Rabbit dachshund

Rabbit dachshund Breed description: Character & Co

Rabbit dachshund

Life expectancy
13 - 15

Profile: Rabbit Dachshund - Origin, History & Suitability

The Rabbit Dachshund, also known as the "Dwarf Dachshund" or "Rabbit Dachshund," originated in Germany. This smallest variety of Dachshund was purposefully bred in the 19th century to chase rabbits from their burrows. This required a size smaller than the standard Dachshund, but larger than the Dwarf Dachshund.

The breeding of the rabbit dachshund was special not only because of its size, but also because of its agility and keen sense. Despite its small size, it has all the characteristics of a typical Dachshund, including the long body shape and short legs.


The Rabbit Dachshund is an energetic, intelligent and alert dog. Its size and character make it an excellent family dog, especially in apartments or houses with small gardens. However, his hunting instinct is still strong, which means he often follows the urge to dig or chase small animals.

Likewise, the Rabbit Dachshund is suitable for various dog sports such as agility or obedience. His intelligence and eagerness to please make him a quick learner. Despite its small size, it needs regular exercise and mental stimulation.

In summary, the Rabbit Dachshund is a versatile, affectionate and active little dog that does well in both urban and rural areas. With proper training and socialization, he can be an excellent companion for singles, couples and families. His charming nature and courageous character make him a popular pet worldwide.

Banner: Depositphotos / p61982
Kanichen dachshund shows off in the ring Dwarf rabbit dachshund, marbled fur. Isolated on white background Marbled dachshund girl, very funny. Portrait of a dog. White background
Alternate Name Rabbit Duck
Origin -
Life expectancy 13 - 15 years
Care requirements low-maintenance
Activity level average
FCI group not recognised
AKC group not recognised
KC group not recognised

A brave little one

Despite its small size, the Rabbit Dachshund has a big heart and a brave spirit. He was originally bred to hunt in rabbit holes, which is why he has great stamina and determination.

Bonding & Loyal

The Rabbit Dachshund is a very affectionate and loyal family member. He builds a strong bond with his humans and loves to spend time with them, whether cuddling on the sofa or playing in the garden.

Intelligence & Self-will

This type of Dachshund is very intelligent, which makes him easy to train. But beware: his headstrong nature can sometimes make training a challenge. Therefore, consistent but loving training is essential.


Rabbit Dachshunds make excellent watchdogs. They are very alert and will not hesitate to warn their family if they notice anything suspicious.

Social Behavior

Although they generally get along well with children and other pets, encounters should always be supervised, especially with very young children. Their hunting instincts can sometimes shine through, so early socialization is recommended.


The Rabbit Dachshund is a charming, courageous and loyal companion with a touch of stubbornness. However, with proper training and enough love, he will become an invaluable member of any family.


The Rabbit Dachshund is relatively uncomplicated in its grooming, but its specific needs depend on the coat variety:

  • Shorthaired: requires weekly brushing to remove dead hair and maintain its natural shine.

  • Longhair: The long, silky coat should be brushed several times a week to prevent tangles and matting. It is advisable to check the ears regularly, as they can be more prone to infections.

  • Roughhair: this variety requires regular trimming, especially to keep the characteristic beard and eyebrows in shape. Weekly brushing is also necessary.


Like many small-bodied breeds, the Rabbit Dachshund can be prone to spinal problems, especially herniated discs. Regular veterinary checkups, a balanced diet, and avoiding jumping from great heights can help minimize the risk. Genetic eye disease can also occur. When choosing a puppy, it is important to look for responsible breeders who perform health testing and adhere to breeding standards.


When breeding rabbit dachshunds, it is critical to perform genetic testing to rule out hereditary diseases. Breeding should always aim to promote the health and welfare of the breed. Breeders should also make sure that the parents are in good condition and free of known health problems. An open dialogue between breeders, veterinarians and potential dog owners is critical to promoting best practices in breeding and ensuring the health of the breed.

Dwarf rabbit dachshund, marbled fur. Isolated on white background

The Rabbit Dachshund is available in three coat varieties: shorthaired, longhaired and roughhaired.

  • Shorthaired: this coat is dense, shiny and easy to groom. It requires regular brushing to remove dead hair and maintain shine.

  • Longhair: A soft, shiny coat that is longer than the Shorthair Dachshund. It requires more frequent brushing to prevent matting and keep clean.

  • Roughcoat: A wiry, dense coat that requires regular grooming, including trimming and brushing to keep it in top shape.


The Rabbit Dachshund has the classic Dachshund silhouette: long body and short legs, but in a much more compact frame. Its eyes are often dark and expressive, and it has a distinctive muzzle that shows its curiosity and intelligence.

Height & Weight

Size (height)13-15 cm
Weight3,5 - 4 kg

The Rabbit Dachshund is the smallest variety of the Dachshund family. Its size ranges from 13 to 15 cm in height at the withers and its weight varies from 3.5 to 4 kg.

Overall, the Rabbit Dachshund offers a fascinating blend of compactness and elegance, combined with the robust characteristics typical of the Dachshund breed. Its coat, regardless of the variant, often displays a variety of colors and patterns, making it an eye-catching and distinctive companion.

Fur length -
Fur -
Ear shape Floppy Ear
Tail lang
Anatomy -
Size ♀ 25 - 30 cm
Weight ♀ 2 - 4 kg
Size ♂ 25 - 30 cm
Weight ♂ 2 - 4 kg
Suitable For Beginner, Children, Seniors
  • Heart disease

    Can occur frequently in dogs and can sometimes be treated with medication.

  • Disc problems

    Herniated disc in dogs (discopathy). Herniated discs or dachshund paralysis cause dogs severe pain.

  • Joint problems

    Especially due to overweight, joint problems can occur in dogs.

Other medium dogs

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