Portrait of muscular blue dog. American Staffordshire Terrier on blurred background Dog Health 03.09.2024

Blue spray for dogs: everything you need to know

In this blog post, we explain whether blue spray is useful for dogs and what the risks of using it are.

Is blue spray useful?

This question is controversial. Dyes such as ethacridine (Rivanol), blue or silver spray have been considered obsolete by some for years. They tend to make the wound surface sticky, are highly toxic to cells and hinder the healing process. In addition, the strong coloration makes it difficult to properly assess the wound and its healing process.

However, it is particularly permitted and popular in livestock farming . It is mainly used to treat wounds and prevent infections. In this blog post, you will learn everything you need to know about blue spray, how to use it correctly and what benefits it offers.

Benefits of blue spray for dogs

The blue spray usually has antibiotic properties that help to kill bacteria and prevent infections.

The blue color of the spray also makes it easy to identify wounds that have already been treated. This way you can make sure that the wound is completely covered and no area is missed.

Blue spray is very easy to use. The spray bottle allows the spray to be evenly distributed on the wound without the need for additional tools. This saves time and makes treatment easier.

When should you use blue spray?

One type of blue spray is suitable for skin and claw conditions. It is also used to protect and care for dry skin.

There are also wound blue sprays that can be used for the following, for example:

  • Minor wounds and scratches: Minor injuries such as scratches, cuts or abrasions can be treated effectively with blue spray. The spray helps to disinfect the wound and promotes healing.
  • Hot spots and skin irritations: Hot spots are inflamed areas of skin that are common in dogs. Blue spray can help to disinfect the affected areas and reduce inflammation.
  • After operations: After minor surgery, blue spray can be used to keep the wound clean and prevent infection. However, it is important to follow your vet's advice and only use the spray after consultation.
Makrofoto Pfoten mit langen Krallen eines kleinen Hundes auf einem braunen Holzhintergrund.Hundehaare in Großaufnahme. Depositphotos / lipa23.ukr.net

What should I look out for?

If you still want to use blue spray, it is important that you pay attention to the ingredients and possible uses when buying. Blue spray is available in different versions, each with different areas of application! If you are unsure, it is always best to consult your vet.

Use of blue spray on dogs

The application is very simple. Make sure the affected area is clean before applying the blue spray. Shake the spray bottle well to mix the solution. Hold the bottle about 20 cm away from the wound and spray the blue spray evenly onto the affected area. Make sure that the entire wound is covered.

Allow the spray to dry before treating your dog further or covering the wound. Repeat the application if necessary to maintain protection.

Alternatives to blue spray

You don't always have to resort to blue spray. For wounds, for example, zinc ointment can be just as good, if not better, an alternative as it seals the wound and keeps it sterile. Another good option is honey ointment, as honey contains many antibacterial substances.

Honey ointment can also be used to disinfect skin areas, which promotes wound healing. There are also many mild disinfectants for dog wounds available from pet shops or pharmacies. Silver spray has a disinfectant effect and is often used in medicine.

Linseed oil can help with dry skin; a few drops mixed into the food supports the body's own oil production. Linseed has a similar effect.

Conclusion on blue spray for dogs

Before using blue spray on your dog, it is advisable to consult your vet. Expert advice is essential , especially for larger wounds or serious infections. Blue spray is not suitable for all types of wounds and not every blue spray is suitable for everything. Deep wounds, bite wounds or heavily bleeding injuries should first be treated by a vet. Blue spray can be used as a supplement to veterinary treatment, but not as a substitute.

Sources and relevant links

Nolff M (2019). Modernes Wundmanagement bei Hund und Katze. 1. Auflage. Thieme.

Dauborn S (2014). Lehrbuch für Tierheilpraktiker. 4., überarbeitete Auflage. Sonntag Verlag.

Banner: Depositphotos / yurkovska
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