Dog,Mammal,Vertebrate,Dog breed,Canidae,Snout,Carnivore,Nose,Australian bulldog,Olde english bulldogge, Dog training 28.02.2021

5 tips to master dog encounters without problems and aggression

With these 5 tips, your dog will make it through any dog encounter without any problems or aggression.

With these 5 tips you and your dog will manage every dog encounter without problems and aggression.

No sooner have you seen the other dog from a distance than the tension starts. You can feel your four-legged friend gathering his strength. Then you get nervous, you look for a detour. Or do you go for the confrontation?

All the excitement doesn't have to be

This, or something similar, is how dog encounters play out thousands of times every day.

As a dog owner, you need to know that your pet responds first and foremost to you as the owner. You are his point of orientation, even if you are not the dominant pack leader.

It doesn't matter if you are scared, your dog has had a bad experience, or the other dog is aggressive.

Basically, behavioural errors of humans and animals are just habits - and you can change them.

Dog, vertebrate, dog breed, Canidae, mammal, carnivore, Bohemian Shepherd Dog, muzzle, Old German Shepherd Dog, German Shepherd Dog, biting dogs, aggresive dogs, dogs scuffle very aggressively, dog's teeth

Recognize and control the stress response

With aggression and fear, humans and animals go into flight-or-fight mode. Breathing shortens, the body tenses, stress hormones are released, and the head rushes.

You need to get this reaction under control with you. Your dog will automatically pull along and other dogs will be slowed down.

Work effectively with these 5 tips:

  1. Stay conscious and calm
    As soon as the confrontation comes up, be aware of what is happening (fight-or-flight?). Don't focus on your dog, but stay with yourself and your reaction. Don't try to calm your dog or talk him down, but observe yourself. With a little practice, you will recognize the signals and can stop the onset of the stressful situation right there.
  2. Keep breathing evenly
    Typical for the stress reaction is the holding of breath. At this point at the latest, the dog becomes aggressive as your mirror.Continue breathing calmly through the mouth or nose. The important thing is to avoid the constant flow and stalling.
    If you have some practice in this, you can consciously slow down the breathing rate and ensure calmness.
  3. Interrupt your emotions through visualization
    You're still moving tensely toward the other dog or it's coming toward you?Good, then imagine how you pass each other fluidly. Or you let the scene become absurd in your mind's eye. Imagine that the other dog has a flower pot on its head. At best, you have to laugh. This immediately relaxes you.
  4. Keep walking
    Is the other dog already sniffing your dog intrusively and is he getting more and more nervous? Then go on consequently!Do not stop, do not hesitate. Pull your dog further, if it must be. You can greet friendly, but do not get involved in a conversation with the other owner.
  5. Focus on the positive and ignore the negative

    You were aware and attentive until the other dog started growling? Your dog remained calm up to that point as well? Wonderful!

    Mentally occupy yourself mostly with what went well. You ignore the other. Do not make the mistake and analyze misbehavior meticulously. Rather be happy about every positive change. With these simple tricks you will get better every time. Eventually, the former stress around the dog encounter will be just a memory that you can smile about calmly.

Banner: Shutterstock / MarcinSl1987
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