English Bull Staffy:American Staffordshire Terrier and English Bulldog Mix

Hybrid Breed

American Staffordshire Terrier + English Bulldog


English Bull Staffy (English Bulldog and American Staffordshire Terrier mix)

The English Bull Staffy is a mixed breed created by crossing an English Bulldog and an American Staffordshire Terrier. Both parent breeds have a rich history and are known for their loyalty, strength and devotion to their owners. The combination of these breeds results in a sturdy and charismatic dog that has captured the hearts of many dog lovers.

Suitability and attitude

The suitability of the English Bull Staffy depends heavily on its upbringing and environment. They are active dogs that need plenty of exercise to stay healthy and balanced. A home with a secure yard where they can roam freely is ideal. Although they do well with children, interactions between dogs and young children should always be supervised to ensure they are safe and positive.

Alternate Name -
Origin USA - UK
Life expectancy 10 - 15 years
Care requirements low-maintenance
Activity level average - low
FCI group not recognised
AKC group not recognised
KC group not recognised

Possible character traits

In terms of temperament, the English Bull Staffy combines the loyalty and ruggedness of the American Staffordshire Terrier with the playful, even-tempered nature of the English Bulldog. These dogs are often energetic and require a lot of exercise, but are also known for their love of cuddling and bonding with their family. They are usually friendly, bold, and confident and can get along well with other animals and people with proper socialization and training.

Overall, the English Bull Staffy is an energetic, loyal and loving companion. With proper care, socialization and training, he will make a wonderful family member and loyal friend.

Care and health

Grooming the English Bull Staffy is generally straightforward. Their short coat requires regular brushing to remove dead hair and keep the skin healthy. As with any mixed breed, the English Bull Staffy can have health problems that are common in the parent breeds. These can include hip dysplasia, skin problems, heart problems and certain neurological conditions. Regular veterinary monitoring and a balanced diet are critical to keeping these dogs healthy.

The English Bull Staffy is a medium to large sized dog that combines the robust, muscular physique of the American Staffordshire Terrier with the distinctive facial features and compact stature of the English Bulldog. Size can vary, but they often reach a shoulder height between 35 and 50 cm and a weight between 22 and 36 kg. Their coat is usually short, smooth and can come in a variety of colors, including white, black, brown, beige and brindle.

Fur length short
Fur flat coated
Ear shape Tilt-ear - Floppy Ear
Tail lang - stubby
Anatomy muscular, massive, strong, square, muscular, massive, square, hefty
Size ♀ 31 - 46 cm
Weight ♀ 23 - 40 kg
Size ♂ 31 - 48 cm
Weight ♂ 18 - 40 kg
Suitable For -
  • Eye diseases

    Often occur with allergies and intolerances.

  • Skin inflammations

    Can be hereditary in certain breeds.

  • Heart disease

    Can occur frequently in dogs and can sometimes be treated with medication.

  • Breathing problems

    Dogs with shortened muzzles can often experience respiratory problems.

  • The size of such a mongrel depends both on the size of the parents, and on the genes inherited from each parent. As a rule, they grow about between 35 and 50 cm.

  • This hybrid breed is adaptable, intelligent and can be very loyal. They are energetic and need a lot of exercise.

  • It is best not to leave your mongrel outside all day, as they can suffer from the heat and will not be able to protect themselves properly. It is also recommended that you create an outdoor space for him to roam freely, but safely protected from the heat.

  • It is recommended to buy a special, high quality food for this mix, because it contains nutrients that are important for him. It is also important to feed according to activity level and age.

  • This dog needs constant training to develop it and keep both body and soul fit. It is recommended to use positive reinforcement methods.

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