Dog,Mammal,Vertebrate,Dog breed,Canidae,Shiba inu,Carnivore,Akita inu,Canaan dog,Akita, Dog guide 04.03.2021

8 emotional movies you should know as a dog fan

If you love dogs, you love dog movies.

TV Movies with Dogs - What emotional movies with dogs are there?

We show you 8 emotional dog movies. The love of a dog to his master or mistress is something very special. This special love is also material for many touching films. These include animated films as well as live-action adaptations. In the following we will name a few worthwhile touching movies with dogs and introduce them to you.

1. Hachiko

This is a very emotional and touching film based on a true story. A dog accompanies its master to the train every day and picks him up there again. The relationship between the two is incredibly intimate. Until a stroke of fate changes everything... Hachiko is an Akita Inu.

2. the artist

This movie is about a New York actor named George Valentin and his Jack Russell Terrier "Jack". George meets a young woman who wants to become an actress herself. This dream will soon come true, but sacrifices are necessary.

3. 101 Dalmatians

Who doesn't know this animated film by Disney with its many cute Dalmatian puppies? It is about the story of a Dalmatian couple who want to save 101 puppies from Cruella de Vil. She wants to make a fur coat out of the puppies' fur. A successful and funny story - not only for children. (Info: A Cruella film will be released in 2021).

dog, mammal, dalmatian puppies, vertebrate, canidae, dog breed, carnivore, puppy, non-sporting group, muzzle, small white dog with black spots

4. Lady and the Tramp

Also a Disney classic. Susi, a female sheltered cocker spaniel, meets a stray male mongrel named Strolch. The latter warns her that as soon as her owners have a baby, she won't be so interesting as a dog anymore. And so it actually happens. Then the couple even goes on holiday without Susi and leaves her with her aunt, who, however, is a cat lover. And so the misfortune inevitably takes its course.

5. my partner with the cold snout

Mike Dooley is a police officer and doesn't like other people. He applies for a sniffer dog to be more successful in hunting drug dealers. He gets a headstrong German shepherd, Jerry Lee. It's less of a help than a liability at first, until one particular assignment.

6. a dog named Beethoven

A beautiful film for the whole family. Dog puppies are kidnapped on the streets for cruel crimes. A St. Bernard puppy manages to save itself and finds shelter with the Newton family. The father is initially against the dog moving in, but of course is persuaded. How big the dog will become, however, is not clear to the family beforehand....

7. Marley & I

Marley & Me is actually quite unspectacular. It is a film adaptation of an autobiography. A couple gets a dog puppy named Marley because it's not yet clear if they want to have children. This dog whirls around the couple's lives and is by their side for years - during crises, moves and eventually as a playmate for the children. A very touching and emotional film that won't let anyone go anytime soon. Marley, by the way, is a Labrador Retriever.

Dog, mammal, vertebrate, Canidae, dog breed, Labrador retriever, puppy, carnivore, yellow retriever, grass,

The last movie we'll introduce you to today that stars dogs

8. scott & hooch

Also a police movie - but already from the 90s and therefore one of our oldest movies we present you today in which a dog plays a role. Scott is a police officer and a fanatic for order. He investigates the murder of a junkyard owner. The only witness is Hooch - a Dogue de Bordeaux. The dog upsets Scott's orderly life, but later proves to be a real sleuth and a great stroke of luck - both professionally and privately.

Banner: Shutterstock / Wollertz
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