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5 tips for holidays with dog in Austria

5 tips for a great holiday with dog in Austria.

5 tips for a holiday with a dog in Austria

If you are planning your next holiday with a dog, it is advisable to inform yourself in advance about the holiday country and the local conditions for four-legged friends. In this article you will find five tips that will hopefully help to ensure that your stay in Austria is fun and relaxing for both humans and animals.

The attractiveness of Austria as an alpine country

The German neighbouring country offers great opportunities to spend a successful holiday with your dog at any time of the year. If you travel in the spring or summer months, you can go on long or short hiking tours and climb one of the numerous Austrian mountains. For example, a stay in the provinces of Carinthia, Tyrol or Salzburg is ideal. While you explore the landscape with breathtaking views of beautiful Austria and can wonderfully switch off on hikes, your four-legged friend discovers new smells, exhausts himself and you experience new adventures together.After a strenuous hike, there is nothing better than to stop in a hut and enjoy a traditional Austrian meal. Your four-legged friend is allowed in most of the huts and will surely be happy about a small snack. As a crowning finale you can jump into the cool water together in one of the mountain views. While you are cooling down, you can enjoy a picturesque mountain panorama. Not only in the summer months, but also in winter Austria is a top holiday region with dog. You can, for example, cross-country skiing tours with your four-legged friend or go on snow hikes.

Accommodation for dog owners

When choosing your accommodation, you must of course consider whether the chosen domicile also welcomes your dog. To be on the safe side and to enjoy special advantages, it is recommended to visit one of the numerous dog hotels in Austria. Not only will you be provided with important accessories, such as a drinking and feeding bowl, for the entire stay, but the entire staff and of course the other guests are absolutely positively disposed towards your four-legged friend. If you want to relax in the wellness area, you can send your dog for a walk with the hotel staff with a clear conscience. This service can usually be booked for small amounts. Often such dog hotels in Austria offer even more fun for the four-legged friend, for example in the form of dog playgrounds or freshly cooked food specially adapted to animal needs.

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Rules for dog owners

In many parts of Austria there is a line - and muzzle obligation in cities, as well as in public means of transport. It is best to find out before you start your journey what the regulations are in the region of Austria you have chosen as your travel destination. The removal of dog excrement is normal in Austria and should be observed especially in cities. You can either bring appropriate disposal bags from home, but often dog hotels also provide these to the guests.

Medical care for your four-legged friend

Basically, it is certain that the medical care Austria is to be compared with the standard that you are accustomed from Germany. If you book a stay in a dog hotel, then the nearest veterinarian is usually only a few kilometers away, so that you can enjoy the holiday, because in an emergency help is quickly at hand. You should only note that your dog needs a rabies vaccination for the holiday in Austria, which took place at least three weeks ago.

Other tips

Keep in mind that your dog may need accessories depending on the time of year you travel to Austria. For example, if your four-legged friend has thin fur, he may need a dog coat or paw protection for long walks through Austria's winter wonderland. In summer, you should carry enough water for your pet during long hikes to cool it down in between if there is no lake nearby.

Banner: Shutterstock / Bianca Grueneberg
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