Dutch Shepherd Dog Amstaff Mix:American Staffordshire Terrier and Dutch shepherd dog Mix

Hybrid Breed

American Staffordshire Terrier + Dutch shepherd dog


PROFILE: Dutch Shepherd Amstaff Mix - A powerful combination of work and loyalty.

The Dutch Shepherd Amstaff Mix is the result of crossing the Dutch Shepherd with the American Staffordshire Terrier. The Dutch Shepherd, originally bred in the Netherlands, traditionally served as a working dog on farms and was used for cattle drives and guard duties. On the other hand, there is the American Staffordshire Terrier, which was developed in the United States from the Staffordshire Bull Terrier and is often valued as a loyal family dog as well as a guard dog.

The Dutch Shepherd Amstaff Mix is a powerful, loyal and intelligent companion. He needs an owner who is willing to give him time, training and attention. With proper training and care, he will become a loyal family member, bringing both protection and joy.

Alternate Name -
Origin USA - Netherlands
Life expectancy 10 - 15 years
Care requirements low-maintenance - high-maintenance
Activity level average
FCI group not recognised
AKC group not recognised
KC group not recognised

Possible character traits

The combination of these two breeds brings a variety of remarkable traits:

  • Willingness to work and intelligence: inherited from the Dutch Shepherd.
  • Loyalty and courage: Typical characteristics of the Amstaff.
  • Energy and endurance: Both parent breeds are known for their energy.

However, individual traits may vary from dog to dog.

Suitability and attitude

This mix is particularly suitable for active families or individuals with dog experience. Thanks to its intelligence and energy, the Dutch Shepherd Amstaff Mix is ideal for dog sports such as agility or obedience. He needs consistent training and plenty of exercise. Early socialization and training are crucial to ensure he gets along well with other animals and people.

Care and health

As for grooming:

  • Coat Care: His coat is usually short to medium length and requires regular brushing.
  • Exercise: An active lifestyle is essential. Daily walks, games and mental stimulation are a must.
  • Health monitoring: He may be prone to some health problems common in parent breeds, such as hip dysplasia or heart problems. It is important to schedule regular vet visits.

The Dutch Shepherd Amstaff Mix is a medium to large dog with a robust and muscular build. His coat color can vary, with brindle, black, brown and blue being common. It may have the distinctive muzzle of the Amstaff and the alert eyes of the Dutch Shepherd.

Fur length short
Fur flat coated
Ear shape Tilt-ear - Standing Ears
Tail lang
Anatomy muscular, massive, strong, square, rugged, strong
Size ♀ 43 - 60 cm
Weight ♀ 25 - 40 kg
Size ♂ 46 - 62 cm
Weight ♂ 25 - 40 kg
Suitable For -
  • Mixed breeds from these breeds have a lively and energetic character, are intelligent and adaptable. They are very affectionate and loving towards their owners and other people, but can also be protective and alert when the situation requires it.

  • Since these mixed breeds are territorial by nature, conflicts with other pets, especially other dogs, may occur. It is therefore advisable that this breed is kept in the same household with another animal only under strict rules and carefully monitored.

  • Yes, this hybrid breed should definitely be trained and educated. Due to their energy level and intelligence level, they need regular employment and mental stimulation.

  • This hybrid breed has a very short coat that usually only needs occasional brushing. One should check if the nails need to be trimmed and possibly the ears and eyes cleaned.

  • He should receive a diet adapted to his age, activity level and size.

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