
Grandspitz Breed description: Character & Co


Life expectancy
13 - 15

Origin & History

The Großspitz is one of the oldest German dog breeds and its roots reach far back into European history. Already in ancient writings and works of art can be found images that resemble the Großspitz.

The Großspitz was once widespread throughout Europe and was used as an all-purpose dog. In the Middle Ages, it was mainly used as a guard dog in Germany, due to its imposing appearance and alert nature.

With industrialization and changes in agriculture, the popularity of the Great Spitz declined. But through targeted breeding measures, the population could be stabilized and he has been experiencing a renaissance as a family and companion dog for several years.


The Großspitz is not only an effective guard dog, but also a loyal family companion. He is valued for his friendly nature, intelligence and loyal behavior. He is suitable for:

  • Families: because of his love for children and gentle nature.
  • Seniors: His calmness and balance make him an ideal companion.
  • Beginners: With the right guidance and education, he is an easy dog to handle.

It is important to emphasize that, despite its size, it is an active and playful dog that needs regular exercise and mental stimulation.

The Great Spitz shows itself to be a versatile and adaptable dog that has played an important role in history as well as being a valued companion in modern times. Its versatility makes it an ideal choice for many households. However, it is recommended to be thoroughly informed about its needs to ensure a harmonious relationship.

Banner: Depositphotos / Lenkadan
Portrait of a nice German spitz Portrait of a nice German spitz Portrait of a nice German spitz
Alternate Name -
Origin Germany
Life expectancy 13 - 15 years
Care requirements low-maintenance
Activity level average
FCI group European Spitz
AKC group not recognised
KC group not recognised

Basic nature

The Great Spitz, often called the "gentle giant", is characterized by its balanced and friendly temperament. In his family, he is always loyal and affectionate, being a patient and loving playmate especially for children.

Character traits at a glance

  • Alert: Originally used as a watchdog, he always keeps an eye on his surroundings and reports strangers immediately.
  • Intelligent: The Great Spitz learns quickly and enjoys intellectual challenges.
  • Loyal: Once bonded, he is extremely loyal to his family.
  • Adaptable: He can adapt well to different living conditions as long as his basic needs are met.
  • Confident: He knows what he wants and needs consistent, loving leadership.

Interaction with strangers

Although he is very open with his family, the Great Spitz can be reserved with strangers at first. However, with proper socialization from a young age, he will learn to be open-minded with new people.

The ideal environment

An ideal living space for the Great Spitz is a home where he is challenged both physically and mentally. A garden for romping is ideal, but he can also be happy in an apartment if regular walks and activities are guaranteed.

The Great Spitz is a wonderful companion dog who, with the right training and enough love, will become an enriching part of any family. His character traits make him a versatile and reliable partner.


Grooming the Great Spitz

Dense Coat: Thedense, long coat of the Great Spitz requires regular grooming. It should be thoroughly brushed at least twice a week to prevent matting and knots.

Bathing: Although the coat has dirt-repelling properties, an occasional bath may be necessary. However, it is recommended not to bathe him too frequently to avoid stripping the skin's natural oils.

Ears & Eyes: The ears should be checked weekly and cleaned as needed. Eyes should be clear and without discharge.

Claws: These should be checked regularly and trimmed as needed.


Hardy Nature: The Great Spitz is generally considered a hardy breed. However, as with all dog breeds, there are potential health issues that should be noted.

  • Hip Dysplasia: Some Great Tips may be prone to hip dysplasia. Regular check-ups and an adjusted diet can help.

  • Eye disorders: Regular eye examinations are recommended.


Responsible breeding of the Grandspitz is the focus of many breeders to ensure the health of the breed and maintain its distinctive standard.

  • Health Testing: Responsible breeders have their breeding dogs tested for known health problems and select only the healthiest animals for breeding.

  • Socialization: a focus on early socialization of puppies is critical to ensure they grow into well-adjusted adults.

Overall, the Grandspitz, with its impressive appearance and charming nature, deserves extensive care and attention to stay healthy and happy. When selecting a Great Spitz puppy, care should be taken to ensure responsible breeding.

Portrait of a nice German spitz

The Great Spitz is known for its dense, long coat, which not only gives it a distinctive appearance, but also protects it from extreme weather conditions.

  • Coat Texture: The coat is coarse and straight with a dense, soft undercoat that gives the Great Spitz its fluffy appearance.

  • Color Variations: Although black and white are the most common colors, the Great Spitz's coat can also come in other colors such as brown, orange, gray and other shades.

Visual Characteristics

With its majestic appearance, the Great Spitz stands out. Characteristic features include its pointed ears, which stand erect, and its bushy tail, which is often carried curled over its back.

Size and weight

  • Size: The Great Spitz has a shoulder height of about 43 to 55 cm.

  • Weight: A full-grown Great Spitz weighs between 17 and 22 kg, although there may be slight variations depending on gender and individual disposition.

The Großspitz is not only an eye-catcher because of its magnificent coat and proud stance. His size and weight make him a medium sized dog that still appears compact and well proportioned. Anyone who owns a Great Spitz or is considering getting one should be aware of the grooming requirements that come with this impressive coat. At the same time, you will be rewarded with an elegant and eye-catching companion.

Fur length long
Fur -
Ear shape Standing Ears
Tail rolled up
Anatomy rugged
Size ♀ 46 - cm
Weight ♀ 20 - 27 kg
Size ♂ 46 - 50 cm
Weight ♂ 20 - 27 kg
Suitable For Beginner, Children, Seniors
  • Hip dysplasia (HD)

    Hip dysplasia (HD) is a genetic condition in dogs where the hip joint is not shaped properly. This leads to pain, stiffness and restricted movement.

Other medium dogs

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