Morkshire Terrier:Biewer Terrier and Maltese Mix

Hybrid Breed

Biewer Terrier + Maltese


Morkshire Terrier - The mixture of Maltese and Biewer Terrier

The Morkshire Terrier is a delightful cross between the Maltese and the Biewer Terrier. This unique mix has its origins in the breeding of designer dogs and is becoming increasingly popular as a pet.

The Maltese is an ancient breed with royal origins and is prized for its silky, white coat and loving character. The Biewer Terrier, also known as the Biewer Yorkshire Terrier, is a relatively new breed bred from Yorkshire Terriers with special color genes. It is characterized by its charming appearance and lively personality.

Suitability and attitude

The Morkshire Terrier is an adorable cross between the Maltese and the Biewer Terrier. With its loving nature and charming appearance, it can make a wonderful companion dog and family member. Proper care, regular veterinary examinations, and loving attention are critical to ensure the health and well-being of the Morkshire Terrier. With his adaptability and playful nature, he is sure to be an asset to your home.

Alternate Name -
Origin Germany - Malta
Life expectancy 12 - 15 years
Care requirements high-maintenance
Activity level average - low
FCI group not recognised
AKC group not recognised
KC group not recognised

More Biewer Terrier mixes


Possible Characteristics of the Morkshire Terrier

TheMorkshire Terrier is a playful and affectionate dog that makes a good family companion. With its lovable nature and adorable looks, it can quickly win your heart. This mix is usually lively, friendly and adaptable. It loves spending time with its family and is often appreciated as a loyal companion.

Care and health maintenance

As with all dogs, the Morkshire Terrier can experience certain health problems. These include eye problems, dental problems, and sensitivities to extreme temperatures. Regular veterinary exams, a balanced diet, and adequate physical activity are important to maintain the health of the Morshire Terrier. Regular dental care is also crucial to prevent dental problems.

The Morkshire Terrier often inherits the silky coat of the Maltese and the characteristic coat pattern of the Biewer Terrier. His coat can be long and shiny with various color combinations, such as white with black or brown markings. Regular brushing and occasional trimming are important to keep the coat healthy and well-groomed.

Fur length medium
Fur wavy
Ear shape Standing Ears - Triangle
Tail short - fanned out
Anatomy slim, dainty
Size ♀ 18 - 23 cm
Weight ♀ 2 - 4 kg
Size ♂ 18 - 25 cm
Weight ♂ 2 - 4 kg
Suitable For suitable for allergy sufferers, Beginner, Seniors, Beginner, Seniors
  • Patellar problems

    Problems with the Patellar can be a displacement or weak kneecap, which is one of the most common causes of lameness in dogs, also because of overweight.

  • Eye diseases

    Often occur with allergies and intolerances.

  • Skin inflammations

    Can be hereditary in certain breeds.

  • Heart disease

    Can occur frequently in dogs and can sometimes be treated with medication.

  • A Morkshire Terrier is a sweet mixed breed that is the result of a cross between a Maltese and a Biewer Terrier.

  • It will generally be between 20 and 38 centimeters tall.

  • Most Morkshire Terriers are powerfully built, energetic, and have a high drive for exercise. They are intelligent and provide a strong bond with their owners.

  • Morkshire Terriers have a total of four different coat colors: silver-gray, white, black with tan markings. They also have three different eye colors, including brown, blue and bi-tire.

  • Yes, a Maltese-Biewer Terrier mix needs regular grooming. Since it is a double coat, it is important to brush the dog regularly and bathe it periodically to keep the coat healthy and shiny.

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