Cairicocker:Cairn Terrier and Cocker Spaniel Mix

Hybrid Breed

Cairn Terrier + Cocker Spaniel


Cairicocker (Cairn Terrier and Cocker Spaniel mix)

The mixed breed Cairicocker is the product of crossing a Cairn Terrier and a Cocker Spaniel. The Cairn Terrier, known for its role in "The Wizard of Oz," is a Scottish breed developed for hunting small game. The Cocker Spaniel, a member of the spaniel family, is an English breed originally bred for bird hunting.

Suitability and attitude

The Cairicocker is well suited for a variety of households and lifestyles. They are family-friendly dogs and get along well with children and other pets. Due to their high energy and need for mental stimulation, they require a home that provides regular exercise and playtime.

Alternate Name -
Origin Scotland - England
Life expectancy 10 - 17 years
Care requirements low-maintenance - high-maintenance
Activity level average
FCI group not recognised
AKC group not recognised
KC group not recognised

Possible character traits

Unique, loving and energetic best describes the character of a Cairicocker. They inherit the friendliness and energy of the Cocker Spaniel and the alertness and playful nature of the Cairn Terrier. They are known to be very social and family oriented, and they love to be the center of attention.

In summary, the Cairicocker is a lovable, energetic and sociable hybrid breed that fits well with an active and loving family. With proper care and the right amount of attention, this mixed breed dog will undoubtedly become a beloved member of any family.

Grooming and health

In terms of grooming, depending on the heritage of their coat, the Cairicocker can benefit from regular brushing to more frequent trimming. As with any mixed breed, they can be prone to the health problems common in their parent breeds, including eye problems, hip dysplasia, and various heart conditions. Regular veterinary exams are essential to detect and treat these problems early .

The Cairicocker inherits physical characteristics from both parent breeds. Usually medium-sized, they can reach a height of 25-36 cm and a weight of 7-14 kg. Their coat can vary depending on the dominant parent in the mix. It can be either short and coarse like the Cairn Terrier or longer and silkier like the Cocker Spaniel. Colors can also vary, including black, white, brown, and any combination thereof.

Fur length short - medium
Fur rough-haired - wavy
Ear shape Standing Ears - Floppy Ear
Tail short - fanned out
Anatomy strong, hefty, dainty
Size ♀ 23 - 41 cm
Weight ♀ 6 - 15 kg
Size ♂ 25 - 43 cm
Weight ♂ 6 - 16 kg
Suitable For -
  • Joint problems

    Especially due to overweight, joint problems can occur in dogs.

  • Epilepsy

    Definition: Dog has epilepsy if, for example, at least two epileptic seizures occur more than 24 hours apart.

  • Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA)

    Progressive retinal atrophy (PRA) is a slowly progressive death of the retina in dogs.

  • This mongrel can range in size from 25 to 36 cm in height, depending on the parent breed.

  • These mixed breeds need moderate to intense exercise to stay healthy and happy. Regular daily exercise of at least 30-40 minutes is recommended.

  • The average value is 12-14 years.

  • Yes, these mixed breeds have medium length coats that need to be brushed and bathed regularly to prevent fleas and matting.

  • Cairicockers are intelligent, playful, alert, curious, loyal and affectionate. They are also very energetic and need a lot of activity and exercise to be happy and healthy.

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