Hybrid Breed

Corgi + Dwarf Pinscher


Origin and history of the Corpin

The Corpin is a fascinating hybrid breed created by crossing a Corgi with a Miniature Pinscher. This unique combination combines the charming personality of the Corgi with the lively energy of the Miniature Pinscher. Although the Corpin is not a recognized breed, it is gaining popularity as a playful and loyal companion dog.

Suitability and use

The Corpin is an active and intelligent dog that adapts well to a variety of living environments. He is known for his loyalty to his family and makes an excellent companion for active individuals or families with children. However, due to his energetic nature, he requires sufficient exercise and mental stimulation to reach his full potential.

Alternate Name -
Origin England - Germany
Life expectancy 12 - 15 years
Care requirements low-maintenance
Activity level average - average to high
FCI group not recognised
AKC group not recognised
KC group not recognised

Possible character traits of the Corpin

The Corpin combines the best characteristics of the Corgi and the Miniature Pinscher. He is usually intelligent, playful, lively and loyal. The Corpin is an alert dog and an excellent watchdog. He loves to spend time with his family and is usually friendly towards family members and other pets. With consistent training and sufficient socialization, he can grow up to be a well-mannered and obedient companion dog.

Health and care

Since the Corpin is a mix of two different breeds, it can benefit from the genetic advantages of both parent breeds. However, certain health problems can occur that are known to occur in Corgis and Miniature Pinschers. These include joint problems, eye disease and weight gain. Regular veterinary examinations, a balanced diet and adequate exercise are important to maintain the health of the corpin.

Grooming the Corpin requires regular attention. His short and dense coat should be brushed regularly to remove loose hair and promote skin health. The ears should be checked regularly for cleanliness and cleaned to prevent infection. Teeth should be cleaned regularly to prevent dental problems. In addition, the Corpin needs adequate exercise and mental stimulation to stay happy and healthy.

The Corpin usually has a unique appearance, combining features of both parent breeds. He has a compact build and a medium size. His coat is short, smooth and can be a variety of colors including Sable, Black & Tan or Tricolor. Shoulder height is typically between 25 and 35 cm, and weight varies between 5 and 10 kg.

Fur length short
Fur flat coated
Ear shape Standing Ears
Tail lang
Anatomy hefty, slim, sporty
Size ♀ 25 - 30 cm
Weight ♀ 4 - 12 kg
Size ♂ 25 - 30 cm
Weight ♂ 4 - 12 kg
Suitable For -
  • Nervousness

    Very often, unfortunately, small and thin breed suffering from permanent nervousness.

  • Permanent tremor

    Persistent tremors can be very common in small breeds, and are often psychological.

  • The average mix reaches a height at withers of 25-33 cm and a weight of 5-9 kg.

  • Yes, it has a very high life expectancy of 12-18 years.

  • Yes, the intelligence and learning ability of a Corgi-Dwarf Pinscher mix are very high, as both parents are known for their intelligence and learning ability.

  • This mixed breed is very active and needs plenty of daily exercise to stay fit and healthy.

  • No, with proper motivation and perseverance, it is not difficult to train a corpin.

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