Harz shepherd

Harz shepherd:German Shepherd and Harzer Fuchs Mix

Hybrid Breed

German Shepherd + Harzer Fuchs


German Shepherd and Harzer Fuchs Mix - a hybrid breed

The German Shepherd and Harzer Fuchs are a popular and sought after mixed breed. They combine the best of two puppy breeds in one dog. The German Shepherd is known for its intelligence, loyalty and protective instincts. These traits are complemented by the charm and graceful elegance of the Harzer Fox. This combination makes this breed an amazing companion, perfectly suited to its family. Their balanced nature makes them suitable for all types of people - from young families to the elderly. In general, this is an energetic, social and playful breed that is not only beautiful to look at, but also becomes the ideal companion.

What are breed characteristics of this mix dog?

A German Shepherd Harzer Fuchs Mischling has an athletic build with strong legs. The skull is medium sized and conical, with slightly bulging eyes. The ears are triangular and set quite high. The back is straight, the chest broad and deep and the tail is slightly grooved. The color of the coat ranges from light gray to dark gray, the markings vary between black, brown and yellow. The height at the withers is 60 to 65 cm and the weight is 25 to 30 kg.

Banner: Nicole Waitz
Hund, Pflanze, Wolke, Himmel, Hunderasse, Fleischfresser, Halsband, Baum, Kitz, Arbeitstier,
Alternate Name -
Origin Germany
Life expectancy 9 - 14 years
Care requirements low-maintenance - high-maintenance
Activity level high
FCI group not recognised
AKC group not recognised
KC group not recognised

Possible character traits of German Shepherds and Harzer Fuchs Mischlings - Such is probably his nature.

The German Shepherds Harzer Fuchs Mischling is an intelligent and reliable breed defined by a warm and caring nature. This mix is very loyal, has a strong sense of self and is very affectionate and friendly. They are people friendly and love to be with their family. Since they have a friendly nature, they are very open to people and animals. They can also be very lively and need plenty of exercise and activity.

This intelligent dog is easy to train, especially if you show respect and praise regularly. It is not only important that they follow their commands, but also that they maintain a confident demeanor. They should be taught when to set boundaries and how to handle them. They also need to learn to keep an appropriate distance from other animals and people.

Since they are nice and sturdy, they need to be exercised regularly to keep them healthy. A Harzer Fuchs Mischling should be athletic and go for frequent, extended walks.

This hearty pup has a gentle disposition and seeks to gain and keep the love of its owners. Their trust and affection can be quickly gained if they are provided a warm, caring and loving environment where they feel safe and respected.

The German Shepherd Harzer Fuchs Mischling is a very friendly and loving dog that is loyal and devoted to his family. He needs patience and regularity in training, but is loved and treated with affection and care. If you train this beautiful and charming male with the right tools and techniques, he can be a very well behaved and reponsive companion.

What diseases can occur in German Shepherd and Harzer Fuchs Mix.

The most known diseases of Harzer Fuchs mix dogs, also known as German Shepherds, are typical animal diseases, most of them may have inherited genetic components. With regular vaccinations and examinations, these diseases can be avoided or their symptoms can be alleviated.

One of the most common diseases is Degenerative Myelopathy (DM). This disease affects the dog's spinal cord and usually affects older animals. Symptoms appear gradually, starting first with weakness in the hind legs, then with uncoordinated walking, and finally with complete paralysis of the back and hind legs.

Another common inherited disease is the so-called seizure disease. In this disease, the dog suffers sudden and uncontrolled attitudes and movements. It is important to see a veterinarian in a timely manner to prevent the episodes and discuss treatment options.

In addition, Harzer Fuchs mixed breeds are at increased risk for various eye conditions that may be caused by breed-specific traits or environmental influence. Fortunately, regular visits to a veterinarian have greatly increased the likelihood of treating these diseases early and preventing various eye problems.

Braun,Hund,Hunderasse,Fleischfresser,Leber,Rehbraun,Begleithund,Sportliche Gruppe,Halsband,Canidae,

A German Shepherd and Harzer Fox mixed breed has a dense, short coat. It bears the colors of the German Shepherd, usually black and brown with silver markings. Their undercoat is lighter, usually white or gray. The markings are usually brown, but sometimes dark blue. The head and ears are black or dark brown, the muzzle is usually lighter than the head. Light is blocked by a protective layer of fine fluffy coat. The eyes are dark, often brown or golden brown. The legs are slender and jointed, the feet are compact and thick.

Fur length long
Fur flat coated -
Ear shape Standing Ears
Tail fanned out
Anatomy massive, strong, sporty, square
Size ♀ 50 - 60 cm
Weight ♀ 22 - 32 kg
Size ♂ 50 - 65 cm
Weight ♂ 24 - 40 kg
Suitable For -
  • This mixed breed is usually very obedient, affectionate and friendly. They also express a strong bond with their owner and show a high level of intelligence, which makes them easy to train.

  • The German Shepherd and Harzer Fox Mongrel can grow between 50-60 cm tall and weigh about 25-35 kg.

  • Since the German Shepherd and Harzer Fuchs Mischling is a hybridized dog, some health problems are inherited, such as leg problems, immune system diseases, digestive disorders, eye diseases and allergies.

  • The German Shepherd and Harzer Fuchs Mischling require regular grooming to remove knots, matting and unwanted dirt. It is advisable to give them regular preventive care appointments to detect possible health problems at an early stage.

  • Since the German Shepherd and Harzer Fuchs Mischling is a very active dog, it needs a lot of space to run and play. A larger garden or near a park should be available so that they get enough exercise.

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