Mini Schnauzer Chin:Japanese Chin and Miniature Schnauzer Mix

Hybrid Breed

Japanese Chin + Miniature Schnauzer


What is a Mini Schnauzer Chin?

The Mini Schnauzer Chin, also known as the Japan Chin and Miniature Schnauzer Mix, is a fascinating breed mix with a unique heritage and personal characteristics. This dog has the engaging personality and attractive appearance of both breeds.

Origin and history

The Japan Chin, from which it gets its exotic beauty, originated in Asia and became the favorite lap dog of Japanese nobility because of its small size and charming temperament. The Miniature Schnauzer, from which it gets its lively and courageous characteristics, originated in Germany, where it was originally bred as a farm dog.

Alternate Name -
Origin Japan - Germany
Life expectancy 12 - 15 years
Care requirements high-maintenance
Activity level low - high
FCI group not recognised
AKC group not recognised
KC group not recognised

Character of the Mini Schnauzer Chin

This mix is known to have a friendly, lively and very loyal personality. The Mini Schnauzer Chin loves to be part of their human family and enjoys spending as much time with them as possible. They are also very intelligent, curious and love to learn new things.

The Mini Schnauzer Chin is known to interact fantastically with children and other pets. They love to play and have enough energy to handle children, but are also gentle enough to make sure they don't hurt anyone.

Suitability and attitude

With their friendly and loving nature, Mini Schnauzer Chins make excellent family dogs, being affectionate and social to both their humans and other animals in the home . They are also quite active and playful, making them excellent companions for children and active adults. Their small size and low maintenance requirements also make them ideal dogs for small apartments.

Grooming needs of the Mini Schnauzer Chin

  • Grooming: The Mini Schnauzer Chin requires regular grooming to ensure their coat stays clean and healthy.
  • Training: because of their intelligence, they should be easy to train. They benefit from positive training and can learn a variety of commands.
  • Exercise: Despite their small size, they are an active breed that needs regular exercise.

Their eyes should also be checked daily to catch any irritation early.

Health of the Mini Schnauzer Chins

The Mini Schnauzer Chins' health is basically robust - this mix benefits from the genetics of its parent breeds. However, both breeds can tend to have problems with their knees. Therefore, regular checkups with a veterinarian are recommended to detect and treat any health problems early.

Breeding of the Mini Schnauzer Chins

Breeding the Mini Schnauzer Chin requires a high level of expertise and responsibility. Both Japan Chin and Mini Schnauzer Mix are known to have a predisposition to certain health problems, these should be taken into consideration when selecting parents. In addition, it is recommended that preliminary health examinations be performed prior to breeding to ensure that no heritable diseases are passed on.

The Mini Schnauzer Chin is a small to medium sized dog. They often have the distinctive Schnauzer appearance with beard and bushy eyebrows, mixed with the soft, long coat characteristics of the Japan Chin. Their coat color can vary, including black, white, silver, salt and pepper, or a combination thereof.

Fur length long - medium
Fur flat coated - rough-haired
Ear shape Floppy Ear - Tilt-ear
Tail rolled up - lang
Anatomy slim, muscular
Size ♀ 20 - 39 cm
Weight ♀ 1 - 8 kg
Size ♂ 20 - 39 cm
Weight ♂ 1 - 9 kg
Suitable For Beginner, Children, Seniors, Children
  • Cataract

    Cataracts are still one of the most common causes of blindness, even in dogs.

  • Eye diseases

    Often occur with allergies and intolerances.

  • Eye infections

    Chronic eye infections can be very painful in dogs and can be treated with medication. In rare cases, the cornea must be treated.

  • This mixed breed is usually friendly, intelligent and playful.

  • This dog should be fed food that is specific to its needs (age, activity level and size).

  • Mini Schnauzer Chins are considered small to medium sized dogs.

  • They need regular coat care. It is advisable to brush it at least once a week to avoid matting.

  • These dogs usually live 10-15 years.

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