Mastín Español

Mastín Español Breed description: Character & Co


The Mastín Español, also known as the Spanish Mastiff, is an ancient breed that has its roots in the Iberian Peninsula. Already in ancient times, these dogs were known as guard dogs for sheep and cattle. Their history dates back to the time of the Romans and Celts, where they were used as war dogs.


An original guard and protection dog, the Mastín Español is a highly intelligent, independent and courageous dog. He is especially suited to owners who have enough space to accommodate his need for exercise. With his calm but alert nature, he makes an excellent family dog as long as he is properly socialized.

Overall, the Mastín Español is a loyal, sturdy and reliable dog. His long history as a guard dog has made him a dog with strong protective instincts and high intelligence. Despite his size, he is a gentle giant who can integrate well into a family life if given the proper guidance and socialization. His adaptability and perseverance make him a valuable companion for those looking for a large but lovable dog.

Banner: Shutterstock / Seregraff
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Alternate Name Spanish Mastiff
Origin Spain
Life expectancy 10 - 12 years
Care requirements low-maintenance
Activity level low
FCI group Molossian type
AKC group not recognised
KC group not recognised

Husbandry and needs of the Mastín Español

An important element in keeping the Mastín Español is to consider its size and strength. With an average height of up to 88 cm and a weight of up to 100 kg, this is a very large dog that requires a lot of space. Therefore, it is less suitable for living in a small apartment or in urban areas with limited space. A home with a large garden would be ideal. Although not overly active, he still needs regular exercise to stay fit and healthy.

Character and temperament

The Mastín Español is known for his calm, even temperament and incredible loyalty to his family. His natural guarding instincts make him alert and watchful, but he is not usually aggressive. He is an excellent guardian, protecting his territory and family without being unnecessarily hostile or aggressive.

With his family, he is affectionate and loving and is especially gentle and patient with children. Despite his size and strength, he is known to get along well with other pets, provided he has been properly socialized.


As with all breeds, early socialization and education is important to have a well-behaved and well-adjusted dog. The Mastín Español is intelligent and learns quickly, but can be stubborn. Therefore, consistent but loving training is important from the beginning. With proper guidance and socialization, the Mastín Español can be an excellent family dog and a loyal companion.

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Health of the Mastín Español

As a breed, the Mastín Español is generally healthy, but like all large dogs, it is prone to certain health problems. Health concerns that can occur in this breed include hip and elbow dysplasia, a common condition in large dogs that can lead to pain and limited movement. Regular veterinary checkups can help detect and treat these problems early.

Breeding Information

As a breeder of the Mastín Español, it is important to have the parents tested for these conditions to reduce the likelihood of passing these diseases on to the puppies. In addition, potential breeders should ensure that they have sufficient space and resources to adequately care for and raise such a large and strong breed.

Responsible breeding also requires thorough socialization and education of the puppies from the beginning. Although the Mastín Español is a natural watchdog, it is also a loving and affectionate family dog when properly trained.

Life Expectancy

The average life expectancy of the Mastín Español is between 10 and 12 years. A balanced diet, regular exercise, and regular veterinary checkups can help ensure that your Mastín Español lives a long and healthy life. It is important to note that, as with any breed, individual dogs can vary and health and longevity are highly dependent on overall care and genetic factors.

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The Mastín Español, also known as the Spanish Mastiff, is an impressive dog breed known for its size and strength. One of the largest molossers in the world, the Mastín Español impresses with its mass and majestic appearance. It was originally bred to protect livestock in Spain, and this working dog breed still has many of the physical traits and behaviors that make them effective guardians.

Appearance of the Mastín Español

In terms of physical characteristics, the Mastín Español is a large, powerful dog. Males can reach a shoulder height of 70-85 cm and weigh up to 70 kg, while females are slightly smaller, typically reaching a height of 65-80 cm and weighing up to 60 kg.

In Spain, however, there are breeders who do not adhere to these norms and continue to breed the original herding dogs as farm animals, with a shoulder height of approximately 100 centimeters and up to 110kg.

The coat of the Mastín Español is thick and dense to protect it from the elements and can come in a variety of colors, including fawn, red, black, brindle and white, often with a black mask. The breed has a large, broad chest and strong, muscular legs that give it an impressive physical presence.

The head of the Mastín Español is large and massive with a broad, flat forehead and strong, square jaw. The ears are medium-sized and pendulous, and the eyes are small and dark, giving a keen and alert expression.

Despite its impressive size and strength, the Mastín Español is known for its calm and composed temperament. He is bold and alert, but also gentle and loving with his family. He is a natural guardian who will protect his home and loved ones with determination and courage.

Although he is a gentle giant, the Mastín Español should not be underestimated. He needs a strong and experienced owner who is able to meet his needs and provide firm and consistent leadership. With proper socialization and training, the Mastín Español can be a wonderful companion and watchdog.

Fur length medium
Fur -
Ear shape Triangle
Tail lang
Anatomy massive, strong, hefty
Size ♀ 72 - 80 cm
Weight ♀ 55 - 69 kg
Size ♂ 77 - 82 cm
Weight ♂ 55 - 70 kg
Suitable For -


Spanish Mastiff on a pasture with sheep and protects and guards them, giant dog breed, guard dog, watch dog, large dog breed from Spain, Spanish dog breed, brown black mask, list dog, Molosser from Spain
Spanish Mastiff at a dog show with his master, dog show, dog exhibition, giant dog breed, guard dog, watch dog, large dog breed from Spain, Spanish dog breed, brown black mask, list dog, Molosser from Spain, yellow dog
Spanish Mastiff head, dog show, dog exhibition, giant dog breed, guard dog, watch dog, large dog breed from Spain, Spanish dog breed, black dog, list dog, molosser from Spain
  • Hip dysplasia (HD)

    Hip dysplasia (HD) is a genetic condition in dogs where the hip joint is not shaped properly. This leads to pain, stiffness and restricted movement.

Sources and relevant links

FCI-Rassestandard (Deutsch)

Accessed on 23.01.2024


Accessed on 23.01.2024

Petra Krivy (2016). Herdenschutzhunde. Franckh-Kosmos Verlags-Gmbh & Company KG.

Hans Räber (2014). Enzyklopädie der Rassehunde, Band 1. Franckh-Kosmos Verlags-Gmbh & Company KG.

Eva-Maria Krämer (2017). Der KOSMOS-Hundeführer. Franckh-Kosmos Verlags-Gmbh & Company KG.

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