Silky coton:Australian Silky Terrier and Coton de Tuléar Mix

Hybrid Breed

Australian Silky Terrier + Coton de Tuléar


Silky Coton (Coton de Tuléar and Australian Silky Terrier mix)

The Silky Coton is a mixed breed dog resulting from the cross between the Coton de Tuléar from Madagascar and the Australian Silky Terrier from Australia. While the Coton de Tuléar is known for its soft, cottony coat and happy disposition, the Australian Silky Terrier is characterized by its silky coat and alert, energetic nature.

Suitability and Husbandry

Silky Cotons are suitable for many different lifestyles. Their small size and friendly nature make them suitable for living in both apartments and houses with or without gardens. They usually get along well with children and other pets and adapt easily to family life. Their energy and stamina make them excellent playmates for children and adults alike.

Alternate Name -
Origin Australia - France
Life expectancy 12 - 17 years
Care requirements high-maintenance
Activity level average - low
FCI group not recognised
AKC group not recognised
KC group not recognised

Possible character traits

The Silky Coton inherits the lively and happy characteristics of both parent breeds. They are usually friendly, playful and affectionate, with a good level of intelligence and willingness to learn. They may also inherit the alert and energetic characteristics of the Australian Silky Terrier, making them good watchdogs for their homes. Their loyalty and attachment to their families make them excellent companions.

All in all, the Silky Coton is a happy, loving and energetic little dog that can be an excellent addition to many different families . With proper care, training and love, he can be a loyal and beloved companion.

Grooming and health

Grooming the Silky Coton can be demanding, as both the Coton de Tuléar and Australian Silky Terrier are breeds that require regular brushing to prevent matting and mats. They also need a fair amount of physical exercise and mental stimulation to stay healthy and happy.

Health-wise, Silky Cotons are generally hardy little dogs, but they can be prone to the same health problems that are common in their parent breeds. These include eye problems, hip dysplasia and dental issues, and regular vet visits and preventative care can help keep these problems at bay.

The Silky Coton can inherit the best characteristics of both parent breeds in terms of coat. His coat may be a blend of the soft, curly coat of the Coton de Tuléar and the long, smooth, silky coat of the Australian Silky Terrier. Coat color can vary, from white to silver to blue and tan. In terms of size, Silky Cotons tend to be small, typically between 23 and 30 inches tall and weighing about 4 to 7 kilograms.

Fur length long
Fur flat coated - wavy
Ear shape Standing Ears - Floppy Ear
Tail short - fanned out
Anatomy slim, dainty
Size ♀ 23 - 25 cm
Weight ♀ 3 - 5 kg
Size ♂ 23 - 28 cm
Weight ♂ 3 - 6 kg
Suitable For -
  • Cataract

    Cataracts are still one of the most common causes of blindness, even in dogs.

  • Dermatophytosis

    Dermatophytosis (synonym dermatophytosis, from ancient Greek τὸ δέρμα derma, German 'skin' and ancient Greek φυτόν phyton, German 'plant') or tinea (Latin for 'woodworm', 'moth') is a skin fungal disease caused by specific fungi (dermatophytes).

  • Ureteral ectopy

    Ureteral ectopy (also known as ureteral ectopia) is an inherited condition where the ureter (known as the ureter) does not end in the bladder as usual due to a misalignment.

  • Overweight

    Often, unfortunately, the dogs very much under excess weight. But the dogs themselves are never to blame!

  • Patellar luxation

    Patellar luxation is the term used to describe a displacement of the kneecap, which is one of the most common causes of lameness in dogs.

  • A Silky Coton can reach a shoulder height of 23 to 30 cm.

  • Coat color can vary, from white to silver to blue and tan.

  • The Silky Coton is a very lovable dog that is sociable and friendly to people and other animals. This hybrid breed is intelligent, loyal and easy to train.

  • Life expectancy is usually 12-15 years.

  • Feeding costs vary depending on the origin of the feed, brand and location. Therefore, it is difficult to give an exact price.

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