Scottie moustache:Giant Schnauzer and Scottish terrier Mix

Hybrid Breed

Giant Schnauzer + Scottish terrier


Scottie Schnauzer: The unique mix of Scottish Terrier and Giant Schnauzer.

The Scottie Schnauzer is a powerful and charming mix of Scottish Terrier and Giant Schnauzer that impresses with its distinctive personality and robust physique.

Origin and history

The Scottie Schnauzer, as a mixed breed, has no exact origin or history. However, its parent breeds, the Scottish Terrier and the Giant Schnauzer, are very historical. The Scottish Terrier, from Scotland, is known for its bold and independent nature. The Riesenschnauzer, from Germany, was originally a working dog prized for its intelligence and stamina.

Suitability and attitude

The Scottie Schnauzer is a versatile dog that adapts well to different lifestyles . He is suitable for both individuals and families and can live well in apartments as well as houses with plenty of space. However, he does need regular exercise and mental stimulation, as both parent breeds are active dogs.

Alternate Name -
Origin Germany - Scotland
Life expectancy 10 - 15 years
Care requirements high-maintenance
Activity level high - average
FCI group not recognised
AKC group not recognised
KC group not recognised

Possible character traits of the Scottie Schnauzer

The Scottie Schnauzer is known for its intelligence, energy and independence. He is a loyal and protective dog, but can also be affectionate and friendly. Early and consistent training is important to ensure he is well socialized and gets along well with people and other animals.

In summary, the Scottie Schnauzer is a unique and attractive dog with a mix of traits that make him an excellent companion for the right person or family.

Typical Diseases and Care

Possible health concerns for the Scottie Schnauzer can include hip dysplasia, eye problems, and some skin issues, so regular vet visits are important. Grooming includes regular brushing to keep the coat clean and healthy, and occasional trimming to keep the coat manageable.

The Scottie Schnauzer is a medium to large dog with a strong and muscular build. His coat is typically dense and wiry, and can come in colors such as black, gray, silver, and brindle. His face often shows the characteristic bushy eyebrows and beard of the Giant Schnauzer.

Fur length short - long
Fur rough-haired - flat coated
Ear shape Tilt-ear - Standing Ears
Tail lang - short
Anatomy sporty, muscular, rugged, square
Size ♀ 23 - 65 cm
Weight ♀ 7 - 48 kg
Size ♂ 25 - 70 cm
Weight ♂ 8 - 34 kg
Suitable For Blind people, Children, Seniors
  • Cancer

    May be common in older dogs.

  • This mix is a rare crossing of two popular breeds. The mix combines the qualities of both breeds: for example, a lively, loyal character, a fun-loving spirit and a social streak.

  • It can vary greatly in size. However, in general, it reaches a height of 33-55 centimeters and a weight of 15-32 kilograms.

  • It is a unique and loving dog that easily adapts to the household. He is extremely intelligent and has a strong personality, but also a friendly, energetic character.

  • He requires moderate coat care. Since he is a short haired dog, his hair needs to be brushed regularly to prevent matting and knots. He also needs regular checkups at the vet to check his health.

  • The average life expectancy is 10 to 14 years. However, with a good diet, regular exercise and lots of love, life expectancy can be increased.

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