Slovakian rough beard

Slovakian rough beard Breed description: Character & Co

Slovakian rough beard


Origin and provenance

The Slovakian Roughhound (also"Slovenský hrubosrstý stavač") is a versatile and robust hunting dog that was originally bred in Slovakia. Its history dates back to the 20th century, when it was developed specifically for bird hunting and working in rough terrain. With its distinctive, rough coat and stamina, it is the perfect companion for you if you are looking for an intelligent and hard-working dog that works reliably both in the field and in the water.

Banner: Depositphotos / Carmelka
Woman playing outside with her dogs Walking the dog Beautiful adult gray pointing dog looking out
Alternate Name Slovenský hrubosrstý stavač
Origin -
Life expectancy 12 - 14 years
Care requirements low-maintenance
Activity level high
FCI group Continental Pointing Dogs
AKC group not recognised
KC group not recognised

Character traits

  • Loyalty and faithfulness: This breed is known for its strong bond with its family. They show great loyalty and are protective of their owners.
  • Intelligence and willingness to work: The Slovenský hrubosrstý stavač is characterized by high intelligence and a strong will to work. These qualities make it an excellent hunting and working dog.

Social behavior and temperament

  • Friendliness: Despite their sometimes reserved behavior towards strangers, they are friendly and good-natured in their family environment.
  • Gentleness: Especially when dealing with children, they show a patient and gentle side.

Trainability and learning ability

  • Easy to train: Thanks to their intelligence, they are easy to train. They respond well to positive reinforcement and consistent training.
  • Suitability for various dog sports: Their versatility also makes them ideal candidates for various dog sports such as agility or obedience.

Hunting instinct and skills

  • Strong hunting instinct: Originally bred for hunting, this breed has a strong hunting instinct and shows excellent skills in this area.
  • Versatility in hunting: They are not only good pointing dogs, but also talented in retrieving and tracking game.


  • Active lifestyle required: The Slovenský hrubosrstý stavač adapts best to an active home where it receives regular mental and physical stimulation.


The Slovenský hrubosrstý stavač is a loyal, intelligent and versatile companion, ideal for active families and passionate hunters. Its balanced nature and adaptability make it an excellent family dog and reliable working partner.

Grooming the Slovenský hrubosrstý stavač

The Slovenský hrubosrstý stavač, also known as the Slovakian Roughcoat, is a dog with moderate grooming needs, which makes it a practical companion for many dog owners.

  1. This breed's coat is rough and dense, but does not require excessive grooming. Regular brushing (about once a week) helps prevent matting and keeps the coat clean and healthy. Bathing should only be done when necessary to preserve the coat's natural oils.
    • Due to their droopy ears, these should be checked and cleaned regularly for signs of infection . Eye checks are also important to ensure overall health.
    • Claw trimming and teeth brushing are part of the regular grooming routine.

Health aspects

  • The Slovenský hrubosrstý stavač is generally a robust and healthy breed. Regular veterinary examinations are recommended to detect and treat health problems at an early stage.

Breeding and responsibility

  • Responsible breeders should test their breeding stock for hereditary diseases to ensure the health of the puppies. In addition, early socialization and training are important to promote a well-balanced and well-adjusted dog.
Slovakian rough-haired dachshund running

The Slovenský hrubosrstý stavač, also known as the Slovakian Roughcoat, is characterized by its distinctive, rough coat.

  • Coat type: The coat is dense and rough, giving the dog a rustic and robust look. It offers excellent protection against the weather and undergrowth.
  • Colors: Typical coat colors are brown and gray in various shades, often with a beautiful sheen that accentuates the musculature and strong build.

Visual characteristics

  • Appearance: The Slovenský hrubosrstý stavač has a strong, athletic build with well-proportioned shapes.
  • Head and face: It has a distinctive head with expressive eyes and characteristic beard and eyebrow hair.

Size and weight

  • Males: These reach an average shoulder height of approx. 62 to 68 cm and weigh around 25 to 30 kg.
  • Females: They are usually slightly smaller with a height of 57 to 64 cm and a weight of 20 to 25 kg.

Care of the coat

  • Grooming: The coat requires regular grooming to prevent matting and keep it in good condition.
  • Brushing: Weekly brushing is recommended to remove dead hair and keep the coat clean.


The Slovenský hrubosrstý stavač is not only a talented hunting dog, but also a visually appealing companion. Its robust coat and muscular build reflect its working ability and stamina. With the right care, this dog is a magnificent and proud companion for anyone looking for an active and rustic dog.

Fur length short
Fur rough-haired
Ear shape Floppy Ear
Tail lang
Anatomy rugged
Size ♀ 57 - 64 cm
Weight ♀ 25 - 35 kg
Size ♂ 62 - 68 cm
Weight ♂ 25 - 35 kg
Suitable For Children

Other large dogs

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