Hybrid Breed

Bichon Frisé + Poodle


Bichon Frisé and Poodle Mix - a hybrid breed

Bichon Frisé x Poodle = Bichpoo! This hypoallergenic mix with low hair growth is known to get along well with children and other animals. They are intelligent, affectionate and make great pets.

What are breed characteristics of this mix dog?

The Bichon Frise Poodle mix typically has a small, compact body that measures no more than 30 cm at the shoulder and weighs about 4-5 kg. They have a fluffy, curly coat that is white or cream in color, and they often have dark eyes and a black nose. Their ears are long and floppy, and their tails are usually docked.

Banner: Depositphotos / yhelfman
A brown, red-haired Bichon Poodle dog is walking near a retaining wall. A close-up of a Poochon pup on a boat on the River Great Ouse near St Ives, Cambridgeshire in summer Stockholm, Sweden, A woman walks along the snow-covered street on a winter's night with a Bichpoo dog on a lead. Cute little Bichon Poodle Bichpoo puppy dog lying on a fancy decorated dog bed and wearing a coral colored ruffled dog outfit
Alternate Name -
Origin France - Germany
Life expectancy 12 - 15 years
Care requirements low-maintenance - high-maintenance
Activity level low - average to high
FCI group not recognised
AKC group not recognised
KC group not recognised

Possible character traits of Bichon Frisé and Poodle Mix - Such is probably his nature.

The Bichon Frisé-Poodle mix breed is a cross between a Bichon Frisé and a Poodle. The resulting breed is a small to medium sized dog with a curly coat. These dogs are known for being intelligent, playful and affectionate. They make excellent family pets and socialize well with children. Bichon Frisé and Poodle mixes require regular grooming to keep their coats from matting.

Cute little Bichon Poodle Bichpoo puppy dog standing on a blue bench and looking anxious A poochon pup's facial expression on a tree stump on the outskirts of Stamford, Lincolnshire, UK in winter A view of a Poochon dog in the countryside near Gumley in Leicestershire, UK, on a bright winter's day

What diseases can occur in Bichon Frisé and Poodle Mix.

Dogs of the Bichon Frisé-Poodle mix breed are known to be prone to a number of health problems. These include:

  • Allergies: Dogs of this mixed breed tend to develop allergies to various substances, including grass, pollen, and certain food ingredients. Treatment usually involves avoiding the allergen and taking anti-inflammatory medications or allergy shots prescribed by a veterinarian.
  • Ear infections: Mixed breed dogs are prone to ear infections because of their long, floppy ears. Treatment usually includes antibiotics and/or ear drops prescribed by the veterinarian.
  • Joint problems: Due to their small size and Poodle heritage, mixed breed dogs are prone to joint problems such as hip dysplasia and patellar luxation. Treatment usually includes weight management, exercise restriction and pain medication prescribed by the veterinarian.
  • Dental problems: Due to their small size, mixed breed dogs often have crowded teeth, which can lead to dental problems such as gum disease and cavities. Treatment usually includes professional dental cleaning and daily dental care at home, as prescribed by the veterinarian.

Overall, dogs of the Bichon Frisé-Poodle mix breed are generally healthy animals, but they are prone to a number of health problems. Therefore, it is important that they receive regular veterinary checkups and that their owners know the signs and symptoms of these diseases.

Bichon Poodle Mix Dog. Off-leash dog park in Northern California.

The Bichon Frisé Poodle mix typically has a soft, fluffy coat that is white. The texture of the coat can vary depending on the mix of the two breeds, but is usually somewhere in between the two. The coat is also typically hypoallergenic, making this breed a good choice for people with allergies.

Fur length short - medium
Fur curly
Ear shape Floppy Ear
Tail fanned out - lang
Anatomy dainty, slim, sporty
Size ♀ 23 - 60 cm
Weight ♀ 3 - 28 kg
Size ♂ 23 - 60 cm
Weight ♂ 3 - 28 kg
Suitable For suitable for allergy sufferers, Children, suitable for allergy sufferers, Beginner, Blind people, Children, Seniors
Cute little Bichon Poodle Bichpoo puppy dog standing on a blue bench and looking anxious
A poochon pup's facial expression on a tree stump on the outskirts of Stamford, Lincolnshire, UK in winter
A view of a Poochon dog in the countryside near Gumley in Leicestershire, UK, on a bright winter's day
  • Eye diseases

    Often occur with allergies and intolerances.

  • Patellar luxation

    Patellar luxation is the term used to describe a displacement of the kneecap, which is one of the most common causes of lameness in dogs.

  • Epilepsy

    Definition: Dog has epilepsy if, for example, at least two epileptic seizures occur more than 24 hours apart.

  • Cataract

    Cataracts are still one of the most common causes of blindness, even in dogs.

  • Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA)

    Progressive retinal atrophy (PRA) is a slowly progressive death of the retina in dogs.

  • Patellar problems

    Problems with the Patellar can be a displacement or weak kneecap, which is one of the most common causes of lameness in dogs, also because of overweight.

  • A Bichon Frisé and Poodle mix is a cross between a Bichon Frisé and a Poodle.

  • A Bichon Frisé and a Poodle mix can look different, but typically have a soft, curly coat that is white or cream in color. They may also have some characteristics of both breeds, such as the Poodle's characteristic "poodle cut" or the Bichon Frisé's black button eyes.

  • Bichon Frisé and Poodle mixes usually weigh between 4-5 kg and measures 30 cm.

  • Bichon Frisé and Poodle mixes usually have a life expectancy of 12 to 15 years.

  • Some common health problems in Bichon Frisé and Poodle mixes include hip dysplasia, patellar luxation and von Willebrand disease. It is important to consult a veterinarian to determine if your dog is at risk for any of these conditions.

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