Doxie Pit:American Pit Bull Terrier and Dachshund Mix

Hybrid Breed

American Pit Bull Terrier + Dachshund


Doxie-Pit: The unique combination of Dachshund and American Pit Bull Terrier.

The Doxie-Pit is a unique breed of dog that is the result of crossing the Dachshund and the American Pit Bull Terrier. Both parents have interesting origins and histories that give the Doxie-Pit its unique characteristics.

The Dachshund originated in Germany and was bred as a hunting dog for tracking badgers. The breed has a long tradition and is known for its short legs, physical endurance and fearless characteristics.

The American Pit Bull Terrier, on the other hand, has its roots in the United States and was originally bred for dog fighting. However, over time, the breed has been transformed and is now considered a loyal and loving family dog. The Pit Bull Terrier is known for its strength, endurance and loyalty.

Suitability and attitude

The Doxie Pit is a unique blend of the Dachshund and the American Pit Bull Terrier. With its friendly nature, energy and versatility, it can be a loving and loyal companion dog . Experienced dog owners who are willing to give him the attention and exercise he needs will find him a wonderful companion.

Alternate Name -
Origin USA - Germany
Life expectancy 10 - 16 years
Care requirements low-maintenance
Activity level average
FCI group not recognised
AKC group not recognised
KC group not recognised

Possible character traits of the Doxie-Pit

The Doxie-Pit is usually a friendly and playful dog that forms a close bond with his family. He can display both the bold and determined character of the Pit Bull Terrier and the brave and independent character of the Dachshund. The Doxie-Pit can be an excellent companion dog and gets along well with children and other pets.

The Doxie-Pit is intelligent and eager to learn, making him a good candidate for training and socialization. Consistent education and early training are important to guide his natural instincts and ensure a harmonious coexistence.

The Doxie Pit is an active dog that needs regular physical exercise and mental stimulation. Long walks, outdoor play and mental challenges are important to channel his energy and keep him mentally and physically occupied.

Breed diseases and health maintenance

First of all, atopy or atopic dermatitis is at the top of the list of common diseases in these mixed breeds. This autoimmune disease occurs when a dog is allergic to certain allergens (such as pollen, mold, and dust mites). Symptoms often include itching, swollen eyelids and a scaly kefir. Early treatment is very important to relieve pain and discomfort.

Some heart diseases are also more common. They may be congenital, while others may be the consequences of long continuous medication or other diseases. Early diagnosis and treatment will help prolong the dog's life.

In addition, doxie pits can also suffer from tendon and muscle diseases that can cause paralysis and difficulty walking and running.

To prevent all of these health risks, Doxie Pits should be regularly examined and vaccinated by a veterinarian. A balanced diet regimen and regular exercise will also keep the dog healthy and fit.

The Doxie-Pit may have a mixture of characteristics from both parents. It usually has a muscular build with short legs, similar to the Dachshund. The size and weight can vary depending on the genetic traits.

A chart on the size of the doxie pit:

BreedShoulder heightWeight
Dachshund15-25 cm7-15 kg
American Pit Bull Terrier45-53 cm16-30 kg
Doxie Pit15-53 cm7-30 kg

Fur length short
Fur flat coated - rough-haired
Ear shape Tilt-ear - Floppy Ear
Tail lang - short
Anatomy muscular, square, strong
Size ♀ 17 - 50 cm
Weight ♀ 7 - 27 kg
Size ♂ 17 - 53 cm
Weight ♂ 7 - 30 kg
Suitable For -
  • Dachshund Paralysis

    By dachshund paralysis (discopathy) veterinarians mean paralysis of the limbs in dogs.

  • Overweight

    Often, unfortunately, the dogs very much under excess weight. But the dogs themselves are never to blame!

  • Disc problems

    Herniated disc in dogs (discopathy). Herniated discs or dachshund paralysis cause dogs severe pain.

  • The average size of a Dachshund-American Pit Bull Terrier mix is about 16 to 22 inches from ground to shoulder and a weight of 40 to 70 pounds.

  • A Dachshund-American Pit Bull Terrier mix can live 10 to 13 years.

  • This dog can be intelligent, playful, brave and very affectionate. These dogs are also very resilient and can be good with children.

  • A doxie pit should be brushed regularly to prevent matting in the coat. It is also necessary to regularly trim fingernails, brush teeth and clean ears.

  • This mix needs at least a half hour a day of exercise, but may need more depending on their energy and age.

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