Cavestie:Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and West Highland White Terrier Mix

Hybrid Breed

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel + West Highland White Terrier


Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and West Highland White Terrier Mix - a hybrid breed.

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and the West Highland White Terrier are a popular mixed breed known as the "Westie-Cavalier". These two breeds are very similar in dog breed, but there are some striking differences. The Westie has a short, white coat, while the Cavalier has a longer, loose coat that varies in different colors. Both breeds are very affectionate, loving and playful and enjoy company. They are usually very affectionate and good-natured, but sometimes fearful. Westie Cavaliers are dogs with a lot of energy and need to be walked regularly. They are also intelligent and curious and learn very quickly. Overall, the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and West Highland White Terrier are a very personable mixed breed and a good choice for people looking for an affectionate, intelligent and energetic companion.

Alternate Name -
Origin England - Scotland
Life expectancy 9 - 16 years
Care requirements low-maintenance - high-maintenance
Activity level low - average
FCI group not recognised
AKC group not recognised
KC group not recognised

Possible character traits of Cavestie - This is probably his nature

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and West Highland White Terrier mix is an absolutely charming, friendly and lively dog. He was bred to combine a combination of the Cavalier's spirited drama and the Westie's strong will. Despite his small appearance, he has a strong personality with an incomparable sense of fun.

The Cavestie has a high energy level. He is very lively and loves to play and romp. He needs plenty of exercise and activity to keep his temperament in check. He also needs regular opportunities to run, swim and jump.

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and West Highland White Terrier mix's attitude is as adorable as his appearance. He is very social, affectionate and playful by nature. He easily goes out of his way to trust people and rarely poses a threat to other dogs. He is very respectful of authority figures and is a quick learner, so he does not require much attention or training time.

As a family dog, the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and West Highland White Terrier mix is very suitable. He is very affectionate and loves to be with his family. He loves children and is ready to go on any kind of adventure. His friendly and gentle nature makes him an ideal companion for all ages.

The Cavestie is a watchful dog, but not supervised. He is very loyal to his owner and other members of his household. He is a very pleasant, entertaining dog that can be considered an ideal companion.

What diseases can occur in Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and West Highland White Terrier mix.

Cavestie are a popular hybrid dog that is known for being a good family pet. This lovable breed is very lively and loves to spend time with its humans. Unfortunately, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel West Highland White Terrier mixes are prone to some health problems that are also common in both of their parents. Some of these diseases are described below.

One of the most commonly observed health conditions in a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel West Highland White Terrier mix is what is known as "syringomyelia". This is a painful neurological condition caused by a deformation of the skull that suffocates the dog's brain. This deformation can cause a variety of symptoms, including pain, stiffness, and especially poor sensitivity.

Another commonly known condition in this hybrid breed is patellar luxation, or dislocation of the patella. This condition causes the kneecap to not seat properly, which can lead to painful problems and limited mobility. Treatment of the problem usually requires surgery, as the condition is still in its early stages.

Cavesties are also prone to a condition called "portosystemic shunt." This problem occurs when blood vessels develop incorrectly and blood is transported to organs without receiving oxygen first. As a result, life-threatening complications can occur. Fortunately, the disease can be treated by diagnosis and subsequent surgery.

Last, it is important to remember that cavesties are susceptible to respiratory diseases such as bronchitis and asthma. This is due to their short snout, which makes it difficult to get enough air. Treatment for these diseases usually consists of medication and a special diet to relieve symptoms.

It is important for owners of a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel West Highland White Terrier mix to see a veterinarian regularly to identify and treat potential problems early. By taking a few precautions, owners can help ensure that their dog has a happy, healthy and long life.

A Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and West Highland White Terrier mix usually has a soft coat. It is similar to that of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, but will probably be slightly longer. Its color is usually a cream or gold tone, which is often seen with white markings on the chest and paws. There are also dogs with black markings on the neck and shoulders and sometimes even a black tail.

What are breed characteristics of this mix dog?

A Cavestie (CKWT) mix dog is a medium-sized dog. It has a short, thick white fur, a low forehead, a black nose, a calm face and large, soft ears. Her body weight is 7-10 kg and she reaches a height at withers of 25-30 cm. She is muscular and has long, straight back lines. She has a slender, neat head with a deep set muzzle. Her eyes are large and dark brown. Her legs are strong and she has a slightly rounded chest.

Fur length medium
Fur flat coated
Ear shape Floppy Ear - Standing Ears
Tail fanned out - short
Anatomy -
Size ♀ 26 - 33 cm
Weight ♀ 6 - 8 kg
Size ♂ 26 - 33 cm
Weight ♂ 6 - 10 kg
Suitable For Beginner, Children, Children
  • Kidney disease

    Symptoms of kidney disease in dogs: increased urination (polyuria) increased water intake. Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the mouth. Loss of appetite

  • valvular insufficiency

    Heart valve diseases in dogs are among the most common heart diseases. Most often it is an acquired change in a heart valve.

  • Mitral Valve Diseas (MVD)

    Mitral valve disease in animals and dogs, respectively

  • Curly Coat Dry Eye

    Eye disease in dogs.

  • Denture malocclusions

    Malocclusions of the dentition often occur in dogs with short muzzles.

  • Patellar problems

    Problems with the Patellar can be a displacement or weak kneecap, which is one of the most common causes of lameness in dogs, also because of overweight.

  • Tartar

    If dogs don't get a good food or sugary food, tartar can quickly appear.

  • This mixed breed combines the amiability of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel with the energy level and intelligence of the West Highland White Terrier. They are characterized by their calm character and affectionate nature.

  • Yes, since this mix is very active and intelligent, it needs exercise and training to channel its energy and stimulate its mind.

  • A Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and West Highland White Terrier mix has an expected life expectancy of 12 to 15 years.

  • This mixed breed is described as medium sized and has an average size of 11 to 14 inches.

  • Yes, it is important to give the regular care such as brushing, bathing and combing to keep the skin and coat healthy. Also, you need to make sure that the nails are trimmed.

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