Presa Bulldog:English Bulldog and Presa Canario Mix

Hybrid Breed

English Bulldog + Presa Canario


Presa Bulldog (English Bulldog and Dogo Canario Mix)

The Presa Bulldog breed is created by crossing an English Bulldog and a Dogo Canario (also known as a Presa Canario). Both parent breeds have a rich and varied history. The English Bulldog has its roots in England and was originally bred for bullbaiting and as a guard dog. The Dogo Canario, originated in the Canary Islands in Spain and was primarily used for farm work and as a herding dog. The result of this cross is an impressive, powerful dog that can excel in the working field as well as a family dog.

Suitability and attitude

Despite their size and strength, Presa Bulldogs can make excellent family dogs, as they are loyal and protective of their owners. They are active and require regular exercise to stay fit and healthy. With proper socialization and training, they can get along well with children and other pets.

Alternate Name -
Origin UK - Spain
Life expectancy 10 - 12 years
Care requirements low-maintenance
Activity level low - average
FCI group not recognised
AKC group not recognised
KC group not recognised

Possible character traits

The Presa Bulldog inherits personality traits from both parents and is usually courageous, loyal and loving. They are intelligent and teachable, but can also be strong willed, which requires consistent training. It is important to socialize them early to ensure they respond well to other dogs and people.

In summary, the Presa Bulldog is a fascinating mixed breed dog with many benefits. With proper training and care, it can be a loyal and loving companion.

Grooming and health

Presa Bulldogs require regular grooming to keep their coats clean and healthy. They are prone to some health problems that can affect their parent breeds, such as hip dysplasia, heart problems, and skin allergies. Therefore, it is important to ensure regular veterinary checkups. Their life expectancy is 10-12 years on average.

As a mixed breed, the Presa Bulldog can take traits from both parents . They are usually medium to large in size with a strong, muscular build. Their coats are short and smooth, with the potential colors of beige, brindle, black and white, depending on the dominant genes. The eyes are often dark and the ears droopy, similar to the English Bulldog.

Fur length short
Fur flat coated
Ear shape Floppy Ear
Tail stubby - lang
Anatomy muscular, massive, square, hefty, muscular, rugged, massive, strong
Size ♀ 31 - 61 cm
Weight ♀ 23 - 50 kg
Size ♂ 31 - 65 cm
Weight ♂ 18 - 59 kg
Suitable For -
  • Eye diseases

    Often occur with allergies and intolerances.

  • Skin inflammations

    Can be hereditary in certain breeds.

  • Heart disease

    Can occur frequently in dogs and can sometimes be treated with medication.

  • Breathing problems

    Dogs with shortened muzzles can often experience respiratory problems.

  • Basically, these dogs are medium to large in size.

  • This hybrid breed needs a consistent but loving upbringing. She likes to be active, she needs regular exercise and exercise.

  • They need a high quality food rich in protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals.

  • They possess characteristics of both breeds, are intelligent, playful, energetic and loyal. However, they can also be stubborn and independent.

  • This hybrid breed should be socialized as a puppy in the family to ensure it is familiar with other pets.

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