Greenland Dog

Greenland Dog Breed description: Character & Co


Profile: Greenland Dog - Origin, History & Suitability

The Greenland Dog, often considered one of the oldest dog breeds, has its roots in the Arctic. He was bred and used by the Inuit people for thousands of years. The first evidence of its existence can be found in archaeological findings dating back as far as 4,000 years.

Its main purpose was to serve as a sled dog in the icy regions of Greenland. It was used not only to transport goods, but also in the hunt for seals or whales. These robust and persistent dogs were and are essential for the survival of the Inuit in the Arctic tundra.


  • Willingness to Work: The Greenland Dog is a born working dog. He needs plenty of exercise and a task that matches his energy and stamina. He is not suitable for apartment-only living.

  • Bonding Ability: Despite his independence, he can form a deep bond with his owner, especially if treated properly from the beginning.

  • Climatic Requirements: His dense coat makes him ideal for cold climates. In warmer areas, care must be taken not to overheat him.

  • Training: He can be stubborn, but with consistent training and an understanding of his needs, he can become a reliable partner.


The Greenland Dog is more than just a sled dog; he is a witness to Inuit history and culture. He is best suited to active people who can give him the physical exercise he needs and who love the cold as much as he does. His role in the history of the Arctic and his continuing importance in modern times make him a true treasure in the world of dog breeds.

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Greenland dog standing on grass Greenlandic sled dogs relaxing on an icy field Greenlandic dog puppy, Ilulissat, Greenland Greenland dog puppies at sunset, Greenland
Alternate Name Grønlandshund
Origin -
Life expectancy 10 - 12 years
Care requirements low-maintenance
Activity level high
FCI group Nordic Sledge Dogs
AKC group not recognised
KC group not recognised

Basic character

The Greenland Dog is known as a hard-working and persistent quadruped. Historically used as a sled dog, he has a strong will to work and high energy. He is often described as independent and self-reliant, which can sometimes make him a challenge to train as a dog.

Social Behavior

Greenland Dogs are pack-oriented animals. They usually get along well with other dogs, especially if socialized from a young age. However, their dominant streak can lead to rank fights, so early socialization and consistent training are essential.

Relationship with people

Although the Greenland Dog is loyal to his family, he can be reserved with strangers. It is often stressed that he needs a firm attachment figure to feel safe and secure. With children he usually shows patience, however, as with all dogs, a supervisor should be present.


Because of his independence and strong will, training the Greenland Dog can be challenging. It requires patience, consistency and an understanding of the breed's character. Positive reinforcement and early training are keys to success.


The Greenland Dog is a fascinating, yet demanding family member. His independence and willingness to work make him a unique companion, but one that requires an experienced hand in education and training. Those willing to invest time and energy in bonding and training will be rewarded with a loyal and impressive partner.

Greenlandic dog puppy, Ilulissat, Greenland Greenland dog portrait Greenland dog standing on grass

Greenland Dog Grooming

The dense, double-layered coat of the Greenland Dog requires regular grooming. Especially during the coat change in spring and fall, it should be brushed daily to prevent matting and the accumulation of dead hair. Despite its robust nature, the Greenland Dog benefits from occasional baths, although care should be taken to use a shampoo suitable for dense coats.

Health Aspects

The Greenland Dog is generally a robust and healthy dog, known for its endurance. However, as with many large dog breeds, it can be prone to hip dysplasia. Regular veterinary examinations and a balanced diet are essential to detect and treat health problems early. An active lifestyle with adequate exercise will help maintain the dog's ideal weight and prevent joint problems.

Breeding the Greenland Dog

When breeding the Greenland Dog, emphasis should always be placed on health aspects and good character. Breeding should be done responsibly and with a clear goal regarding the preservation of the breed's typical characteristics. Breeders should be aware of the history and tradition of this breed and try to preserve the original working characteristics of the Greenland Dog.


The Greenland Dog is a loyal and hardy companion, but it requires consistent care and attention to its health. If interested in breeding this breed, a responsible approach should always be taken.

Greenland dog portrait

The coat of the Greenland Dog is double-layered. The outer layer is made up of dense, coarse and long topcoat, while the inner layer is made up of a soft, dense undercoat. This double protection allows him to stay warm even in extreme Arctic temperatures. The coat can come in a variety of colors, including black, gray, brown and white.

Visual characteristics

The Greenland Dog is characterized by a powerful and robust appearance. It has a broad head, medium sized dark eyes and a black nose. His ears are medium sized, triangular and stand erect. The build is powerful and well proportioned, which emphasizes his endurance and strength.

Size and weight

  • Male Greenland Dogs:

    • Height: between 58 cm and 68 cm
    • Weight: in the range of 30 kg to 40 kg
  • Female Greenland Dogs:

    • Size: between 51 cm and 61 cm
    • Weight: around 23 kg to 30 kg


With its strong build and weather-resistant coat, the Greenland Dog is perfectly adapted to the challenges of the Arctic. Its powerful appearance reflects its history as a working dog. Regular grooming of the coat is needed, especially during coat changes, to ensure the dog's health and well-being.

Fur length medium
Fur -
Ear shape Standing Ears
Tail lang
Anatomy sporty
Size ♀ 55 - 68 cm
Weight ♀ 30 - 32 kg
Size ♂ 60 - 68 cm
Weight ♂ 30 - 32 kg
Suitable For -
Greenlandic dog puppy, Ilulissat, Greenland
Greenland dog portrait
Greenland dog standing on grass
  • Overweight

    Often, unfortunately, the dogs very much under excess weight. But the dogs themselves are never to blame!

Other large dogs

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