Lhasa Coton:Coton de Tuléar and Lhasa Apso Mix

Hybrid Breed

Coton de Tuléar + Lhasa Apso


Origin of the Lhasa-Coton

The Lhasa-Coton is a mixed breed dog from the Coton de Tuléar and Lhasa Apso breeds. The roots of this charming dog go back to both Tibet and Madagascar. The Lhasa Apso originated in Tibet, where it was traditionally used as a temple guardian, while the Coton de Tuléar has its origins in Madagascar, where it was kept as the lap dog of the aristocracy.

In summary, the Lhasa-Coton is a lovable and versatile companion that does well in both active and quieter households

Alternate Name -
Origin France - Tibet
Life expectancy 12 - 17 years
Care requirements high-maintenance
Activity level low
FCI group not recognised
AKC group not recognised
KC group not recognised

Suitability and character traits

The Lhasa-Coton is a friendly and lively dog, combining both the independence of the Lhasa Apsos and the cheerfulness of the Coton de Tuléar. He is generally good natured and gets along well with children and other pets. With its medium energy level and adaptability, the Lhasa Coton fits well with many different lifestyles, from city apartments to rural homes.

The Lhasa-Coton's intelligence and empathy make him an excellent therapy or companion dog. He is easy to train, but it is important to start socialization and training early to ensure he becomes a well-behaved adult.

Health and care

As with all mixed breed dogs, the Lhasa-Coton may experience various health problems that are typically characteristic of its parent breeds. These may include: Patellar luxation, hip dysplasia, allergies and eye disease. A regular check-up with a veterinarian is therefore recommended.

In terms of grooming, the Lhasa Coton typically has a long, dense coat that requires regular grooming to prevent matting and skin problems. A daily brushing is recommended, as well as regular baths and grooming by a professional.

The Lhasa-Coton is a small to medium sized dog weighing between 5 and 15 kilograms. His coat is usually long and fluffy and can be a variety of colors, including white, black, gray, brown or a mixture of these. It often has the dark, expressive eyes and joyful smile of the Coton de Tuléar, combined with the strong build and majestic stance of the Lhasa Apso.

Fur length long
Fur wavy - flat coated
Ear shape Floppy Ear
Tail fanned out - rolled up
Anatomy dainty, slim
Size ♀ 20 - 25 cm
Weight ♀ 4 - 8 kg
Size ♂ 20 - 28 cm
Weight ♂ 4 - 8 kg
Suitable For suitable for allergy sufferers, Beginner, Children, Seniors, Beginner, Children, Seniors
  • Overweight

    Often, unfortunately, the dogs very much under excess weight. But the dogs themselves are never to blame!

  • Patellar luxation

    Patellar luxation is the term used to describe a displacement of the kneecap, which is one of the most common causes of lameness in dogs.

  • Hip dysplasia (HD)

    Hip dysplasia (HD) is a genetic condition in dogs where the hip joint is not shaped properly. This leads to pain, stiffness and restricted movement.

  • Eye diseases

    Often occur with allergies and intolerances.

  • The size of this hybrid breed is usually in the small to medium range.

  • This hybrid breed can come in a variety of colors, but usually they are either white, cream, tan, black, or a mix of all colors.

  • This dog is very affectionate, easy to lead and friendly with people. They can also become very noisy if not well trained or bored.

  • It must be brushed regularly, because its coat quickly becomes matted and smelly, and the dogs shed a lot. Once a week is quite enough, but the more you brush, the better.

  • Since this mixed breed is a mixture of two breeds, they can suffer from diseases associated with both breeds. These include dysplasia of the hip joint, epilepsy, hairless skin, eye problems and heart disease.

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