Hybrid Breed

Maltese + American Rat Terrier


Ratese - The spirited mix of Rat Terrier and Maltese

The Ratese is a fascinating mix of the energetic Rat Terrier and the charming Maltese. This hybrid breed is gaining popularity as a playful companion dog and loyal companion.

Please note that the characteristics of a mixed breed dog can vary due to genetic diversity . It is important to consider each dog as an individual being and adjust their needs and characteristics accordingly.

Suitability and attitude

The Ratese is ideal for active families and individuals looking for a lively and loving dog. With his spirited nature and adaptable character, he does equally well in apartments and homes. He loves spending time with his people and is an ideal choice for dog lovers looking for a bright and playful companion.

Alternate Name -
Origin Malta - USA
Life expectancy 12 - 18 years
Care requirements high-maintenance - low-maintenance
Activity level low - average
FCI group not recognised
AKC group not recognised
KC group not recognised

Possible character traits of the Ratese

The Ratese is known for its lively and spirited personality. Here are some character traits you can expect in a Ratese:

  • Energetic: He is an energetic dog who loves to play and be active. Daily walks, playtime and mental stimulation are important to channel his energy.
  • Affectionate: The Ratese is very affectionate and loves to spend time with his family. He likes to be the center of attention and seeks affection and attention.
  • Intelligent: He is intelligent and can learn quickly. He enjoys mental challenges and is willing to learn new tricks and commands.
  • Social: The Ratese usually gets along well with other pets and children. Early socialization and proper training sessions are important to encourage his interactions.

Overall, the Ratese is a bright, loving, and active dog that brings joy to his owners' lives. With his unique appearance, spirited nature and adaptability, he makes a wonderful companion for dog lovers of all ages.

Health and diseases

The Ratese is generally a healthy dog, but certain health concerns may arise. Here are some important health issues you should be aware of:

  • Dental and Gum Problems: Due to its small size, the Ratese can be prone to dental problems such as tartar buildup or gum disease. Regular tooth brushing and veterinary checkups are important.
  • Sensitive Eyes: Some Ratese may have sensitive eyes that require special care. Keep eyes clean and watch for signs of irritation or infection.

Care of the Ratese.

Grooming the Ratese requires regular brushing and attention to its health. Here are some important grooming considerations:

  • Brushing: Brush the coat regularly to prevent tangles and keep the coat shiny.
  • Eye and Ear Care: Clean his eyes and ears regularly to prevent dirt buildup and infection.
  • Dental care: Clean his teeth regularly to prevent dental problems.

The Ratese has a unique look that is influenced by both parents. Here are some characteristics you can expect in a Ratese:

  • Coat: He may have a soft, silky coat that can come in a variety of colors such as white, black, brown or a combination of these colors.
  • Size: the Ratese is usually small to medium in size, reaching a shoulder height of about 25 to 35 inches.
  • Weight: Its weight usually varies between 3 and 7 kg.
Fur length long - short
Fur flat coated
Ear shape Triangle - Standing Ears
Tail fanned out - stubby
Anatomy dainty, slim
Size ♀ 20 - 46 cm
Weight ♀ 3 - 16 kg
Size ♂ 21 - 46 cm
Weight ♂ 3 - 16 kg
Suitable For Beginner, Seniors, Children
  • Patellar problems

    Problems with the Patellar can be a displacement or weak kneecap, which is one of the most common causes of lameness in dogs, also because of overweight.

  • Eye diseases

    Often occur with allergies and intolerances.

  • Skin inflammations

    Can be hereditary in certain breeds.

  • Heart disease

    Can occur frequently in dogs and can sometimes be treated with medication.

  • Depending on the parent breeds, the size may vary. In general, they will be between 20 and 35 cm.

  • This mix usually has a soft, dense coat similar to the Maltese's coat.

  • He needs a balanced diet that includes high quality, high protein food. You should also get food rich in vitamins, minerals and other nutrients.

  • He should be able to sleep at least 14 hours a day, but a puppy should sleep about 16-18 hours a day.

  • He is a very friendly and playful. They are intelligent, social and love to learn. They can sometimes be rough and moody, but they are generally very good-natured.

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