Crested Peke:Chinese Crested Dog and Pekinese Mix

Hybrid Breed

Chinese Crested Dog + Pekinese


Crested Peke (Chinese Crested Dog and Pekingese Mix)

The Crested Pe ke is a mix of the Chinese Crested Dog and the Pekingese. Both parent breeds have impressive historical significance, especially in China where they were originally kept as luxury pets for royal families.

Suitability and Husbandry

Crested Pekes are great for a variety of living situations, including city apartments, as they do not require large open spaces for exercise. They are well suited for individuals or families who can spend a lot of time with their pet, as they appreciate the company of their humans and do not like to be left alone.

Alternate Name -
Origin China
Life expectancy 12 - 15 years
Care requirements low-maintenance - high-maintenance
Activity level low
FCI group not recognised
AKC group not recognised
KC group not recognised

Possible character traits

Despite its small size, the Crested Peke is a dog with a big personality. This breed is amiable, playful and sociable, but also inherits the independence and stubbornness present in both parent breeds. They are known for their loyalty to their owners and can be territorial at times, making them good watchdogs, although their size means they are not a physical threat.

Overall, the Crested Peke is a loving and loyal companion that inherits both the independence and sociability of its parent breeds. Although he can be high-maintenance and has some health concerns, his charming personality and affectionate nature make him a worthwhile addition to the right home.

Care and health

Grooming a Crested Peke depends on its coat type. Hairless varieties require regular grooming to prevent dry skin and sunburn, while fuller-coated varieties require regular brushing to prevent matting. This breed may be prone to some health concerns, such as eye problems and respiratory problems, which are common in brachycephalic (short-nosed) breeds like the Pekingese. Regular health monitoring and routine veterinary visits are important.

With a small to medium frame, the Crested Peke is a distinctive sight. Its size varies between 20 and 30 centimeters and its weight is usually between 4 and 8 kilograms. The Crested Peke's appearance can vary greatly depending on which genetic traits it inherits from each parent. Some may have the distinctive "hairless" appearance of the Chinese Crested with tufts of hair on the head, paws and tail, while others may exhibit the fuller coat of the Pekingese.

Fur length long
Fur wavy - flat coated
Ear shape Standing Ears - Triangle
Tail fanned out
Anatomy slim, strong
Size ♀ 15 - 38 cm
Weight ♀ 2 - 6 kg
Size ♂ 15 - 33 cm
Weight ♂ 2 - 6 kg
Suitable For suitable for allergy sufferers, Children, Seniors, Beginner, Seniors
  • Eye diseases

    Often occur with allergies and intolerances.

  • Denture malocclusions

    Malocclusions of the dentition often occur in dogs with short muzzles.

  • Shortness of breath

    Difficult breathing can be recognized by the dog's rattling and sometimes accelerated breathing rate.

  • Bronchitis

    Bronchitis in dogs is an inflammation of the lower airways in the area of the bronchi.

  • Disc problems

    Herniated disc in dogs (discopathy). Herniated discs or dachshund paralysis cause dogs severe pain.

  • These hybrids reach varying sizes between 20 and 30 cm.

  • They can live up to 16 years.

  • Yes, these mixed breeds have an increased risk of suffering from atopy, allergies, skin problems and dental problems.

  • It is best to feed the Crested Peke adapted to its activity level and age, as well as its size.

  • These mixed breeds need daily exercise in the form of walks. However, it should be noted that this hybrid breed is very susceptible to respiratory diseases.

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