Hybrid Breed

Havanese + Japanese Chin


Havachin: Havanese and Japan Chin Mix

The Havachin is a charming little mixed breed dog, created by crossing a Havanese and a Japan Chin. Both parent breeds have a remarkable history, the Havanese originated in Cuba and the Japan Chin, despite its name, has its roots in China before becoming a favorite of Japanese nobles.

Suitability and attitude

Thanks to their compact size and loving temperament, Havachins are great for apartments and homes with limited space. They make excellent companion dogs and adapt well to a variety of lifestyles, from senior citizens to families with children. Their small size and calm temperament also make them a good choice for first-time dog owners.

Alternate Name -
Origin Cuba - Japan
Life expectancy 12 - 15 years
Care requirements high-maintenance
Activity level low
FCI group not recognised
AKC group not recognised
KC group not recognised

Possible character traits of the Havachin

Havachins are known for their friendliness, affection and playful nature. They love human company and do not do well in households where they are left alone for long periods of time. They are usually good with other pets and children, provided they are properly socialized and the children are old enough to be gentle with them.

In summary, the Havachin is a loving, adaptable and fairly low-maintenance little dog that makes a good family companion or companion dog for seniors . With proper care and attention, this adorable little mixed breed dog is sure to provide many years of enjoyment.

Grooming and health

Grooming for a Havachin includes regular brushing to keep their coat shiny and tangle free. Depending on their coat condition, they may also need regular professional grooming. Like all breeds, they need regular vet visits, teeth cleaning and nail care.

Havachins can be prone to some of the health problems found in their parent breeds, including patellar luxation (kneecaps that slip out of place), eye problems and heart problems. A responsible breeder will have the parents tested for these problems before breeding them.

Havachins are small dogs that usually grow between 20 and 28 cm tall and weigh between 3 and 5 kg. Their coats can take on a range of colors, including black, white, brown, gray, and mixtures thereof. The coat is usually medium to long, silky and can be straight or wavy.

Fur length medium - long
Fur wavy - flat coated
Ear shape Floppy Ear
Tail fanned out - rolled up
Anatomy -
Size ♀ 20 - 27 cm
Weight ♀ 1 - 7 kg
Size ♂ 20 - 27 cm
Weight ♂ 1 - 7 kg
Suitable For Beginner, Seniors, Beginner, Children, Seniors
  • Cataract

    Cataracts are still one of the most common causes of blindness, even in dogs.

  • Eye diseases

    Often occur with allergies and intolerances.

  • Eye infections

    Chronic eye infections can be very painful in dogs and can be treated with medication. In rare cases, the cornea must be treated.

  • A Havachin is a cross between the Havanese and Japanese Chin breeds, also known as a Mini Havachon.

  • The Havachin has a soft, curly or wavy coat that is extremely easy to groom.

  • Havachins typically grow between 8 and 14 inches tall and weigh between 7 and 15 pounds.

  • Havachins have a life expectancy of 12 to 15 years.

  • Yes, because of their affection and friendliness, they are very suitable as family dogs.

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