Hybrid Breed

Cocker Spaniel + Pekinese


Cockinese - The fascinating mixture of Cocker Spaniel and Pekinese.

The Cockinese is a delightful hybrid breed created by crossing the Cocker Spaniel and the Pekinese. This unique combination of two popular dog breeds results in a charming and loving companion.

The exact history of the Cockinese's origins is not well documented, as it is a relatively new hybrid breed. However, it is believed that this cross was bred with the goal of combining the appearance and traits of both breeds.

Suitability and Use

The Cockinese is an affectionate and adaptable dog that makes a good companion dog. His friendly nature and charming disposition make him an ideal partner for people of all ages. He is known for his adaptability and can adapt well to different living conditions, whether in an apartment or a house with a garden.

Alternate Name -
Origin England - China
Life expectancy 10 - 17 years
Care requirements high-maintenance
Activity level average - low
FCI group not recognised
AKC group not recognised
KC group not recognised

Possible character traits of the Cockinese

The Cockinese probably has the following character traits:

  • Affectionate: The Cockinese develops a close bond with its owners and loves to be around them.
  • Playful: He enjoys playing and can create a happy atmosphere.
  • Gentle: The Cockinese is usually a gentle and friendly dog that gets along well with children and other pets.
  • Alert: Because of its alert nature, it can be a good watchdog and react to changes in its environment.

The Cockinese is a fascinating mix of Cocker Spaniel and Pekinese. With his charming looks, friendly nature and adaptability, he makes a wonderful companion dog. His affectionate nature and loving nature make him an ideal pet for people of all ages. With proper care and veterinary attention, the Cockinese can lead a healthy and happy life and bring much joy to its owners.

Health and care

In terms of health, the Cockinese generally inherits the hardy nature of both parent breeds. However, it is important to watch out for certain health problems that can occur in the parent breeds. These include eye problems, breathing problems, and dental problems due to the flat face. Regular veterinary examinations, proper exercise and good dental care are important to ensure the health and well-being of the Cockinese.

The Cockinese is a small to medium sized dog with a plush coat and a charming facial expression. Since it is a mix of two breeds, the appearance of the Cockinese can vary. Generally, it has the characteristic ears and long, silky coat of the Cocker Spaniel with the flat face and short build of the Pekingese. The coat color can be various shades, including black, brown, white, or a combination thereof.

Fur length medium - long
Fur wavy - flat coated
Ear shape Floppy Ear - Triangle
Tail fanned out
Anatomy dainty, strong
Size ♀ 15 - 41 cm
Weight ♀ 3 - 15 kg
Size ♂ 15 - 43 cm
Weight ♂ 3 - 16 kg
Suitable For -
  • Epilepsy

    Definition: Dog has epilepsy if, for example, at least two epileptic seizures occur more than 24 hours apart.

  • Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA)

    Progressive retinal atrophy (PRA) is a slowly progressive death of the retina in dogs.

  • Denture malocclusions

    Malocclusions of the dentition often occur in dogs with short muzzles.

  • Shortness of breath

    Difficult breathing can be recognized by the dog's rattling and sometimes accelerated breathing rate.

  • Bronchitis

    Bronchitis in dogs is an inflammation of the lower airways in the area of the bronchi.

  • Disc problems

    Herniated disc in dogs (discopathy). Herniated discs or dachshund paralysis cause dogs severe pain.

  • A Cocker Spaniel and Pekinese mixed breed usually has a medium build, a round head and a slim coat. The coat can vary due to the different genetics of both breeds, but usually their colors are golden, black or brown.

  • This hybrid breed is known for its lively and affectionate nature. They are very affectionate and will quickly bond with kindness and love.

  • This hybrid breed needs regular exercise and activity to stay happy and healthy. Cocker Spaniel and Pekinese hybrid breeds love to play, hike, swim and jog.

  • Yes, for optimal health, the diet of this hybrid breed should be carefully balanced. Look for a high quality wet or dry food selected specifically for your dog.

  • Yes, Cockineses need regular grooming to stay healthy. Bathing once a week, regular brushing and teeth brushing will help maintain the dog's overall hygiene.

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