Swissneese:Swiss mountain dog and Pyrenean Mountain Dog Mix

Hybrid Breed

Swiss mountain dog + Pyrenean Mountain Dog


Swissneese: Hybrid breed of Swiss Mountain Dog and Pyrenean Mountain Dog.

The Swissneese is a hybrid of a Swiss Mountain Dog and a Pyrenean Mountain Dog. This unique cross combines the qualities of both breeds and is becoming increasingly popular. Although the Swissneese is not a recognized or standardized hybrid, it is prized for its charming appearance and friendly nature.

Suitability and use

Because of his friendly nature, the Swissneese makes a good family dog. He is usually compatible with children and other pets. Thanks to his strong protective instincts, he can also be an excellent watchdog. The Swissneese loves to spend time outdoors and be active, so he needs regular exercise and mental stimulation.

Alternate Name -
Origin Switzerland - France
Life expectancy 6 - 12 years
Care requirements low-maintenance
Activity level average
FCI group not recognised
AKC group not recognised
KC group not recognised

Possible character traits of the Swissneese

The Swissneese is known for his friendly and affectionate nature. He is usually loyal, affectionate and good-natured. This mix is often good natured, patient and family friendly. The Swissneese is also usually very intelligent and eager to learn, making him an ideal companion and family dog.

The Swissneese is a delightful blend of Swiss Mountain Dog and Pyrenean Mountain Dog with a friendly and loving character. A loyal companion and family dog, he brings joy and warmth to the home. If you are interested in a Swissneese, look for responsible breeders or consider adoption to provide a loving home for this wonderful dog.

Health and Care

As with any breed of dog, certain health concerns can arise with the Swissneese. It is important to have regular veterinary exams to catch potential problems early. Potential health issues include hip dysplasia, eye problems, and hereditary diseases that can be inherited from the parent breeds.

In terms of grooming, the Swissneese requires regular brushing to prevent matting and keep his coat clean and healthy. More intensive grooming may be required, especially during the coat change. In addition, it is important to brush his teeth regularly, check his ears and trim his nails.

The Swissneese is usually a large and muscular dog with a dense and usually longer coat. His coat can come in a variety of colors, including combinations of black, white, brown and gray. He has a strong build with well-developed shoulders and an upright posture. His ears may be either drooping or erect, depending on the dominant characteristics of the parent breeds.

Fur length short - medium
Fur flat coated -
Ear shape Triangle
Tail lang - fanned out
Anatomy muscular, massive, hefty, rugged, massive
Size ♀ 60 - 74 cm
Weight ♀ 30 - 50 kg
Size ♂ 60 - 82 cm
Weight ♂ 30 - 54 kg
Suitable For -
  • Hip dysplasia (HD)

    Hip dysplasia (HD) is a genetic condition in dogs where the hip joint is not shaped properly. This leads to pain, stiffness and restricted movement.

  • Elbow dysplasia (ED)

    Elbow joint dysplasia is a chronic disease complex of the elbow joint of fast growing dog breeds.

  • Cancer

    May be common in older dogs.

  • Kidney disease

    Symptoms of kidney disease in dogs: increased urination (polyuria) increased water intake. Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the mouth. Loss of appetite

  • They have a medium sized body, a light colored coat, often white and black spotted, a thick tail and a short, dense coat.

  • They are usually very affectionate, playful, energetic and like to be around people. They need a lot of exercise and movement and are sometimes impetuous.

  • They can live between 10 and 15 years.

  • They should be brushed regularly to keep their coat healthy. In addition, the ears should be cleaned and trimmed nails.

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