
Labrakita:Akita Inu and Labrador Retriever Mix

Hybrid Breed

Akita Inu + Labrador Retriever


Labrador Retriever and Akita Inu mix - a hybrid breed.

The Labrador Retriever and the Akita Inu are a perfect blend of two loyal and loving dog breeds, making them the ideal family pet. With the guard dog instincts of the Akita Inu and the friendly and outgoing personality of the Labrador Retriever, this mix is sure to be a hit with the whole family.

The crossbreed between the Labrador Retriever and the Akita Inu is a dog created by crossing these two breeds. It can have a variety of traits inherited from its parent breeds. The Labrador Retriever is known as an intelligent and adaptive breed that loves to work and is a good family dog. The Akita Inu is a Japanese dog breed known for its loyalty, beauty and strength. So the crossbreed between these two breeds could have a combination of these traits. It is important to note that each dog is an individual and these characteristics may not always apply to a mixed breed. It is important to be well informed and make sure that you are able to meet the needs of such a dog.

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Alternate Name Akitador
Origin Japan - UK
Life expectancy 10 - 15 years
Care requirements high-maintenance - low-maintenance
Activity level average to high - average
FCI group not recognised
AKC group not recognised
KC group not recognised

Character of a Labrador Akita Mix Dog

When considering the Labrador Retriever-Akita Inu mix, we encounter a majestic combination of strength, intelligence, and immeasurable loyalty. This four-legged friend embodies both the protective alertness of the Akita and the lively intelligence of the Labrador Retriever, making him a remarkable companion for the right family.

The Akitador's imposing stature should not be underestimated. His impressive size, which can reach up to 100 pounds (40-50kg) and over three feet in shoulder height, demands adequate space to expend his energy. The natural strength and agility that flows through his veins demands regular exercise; a long walk is essential daily, and a spacious, securely fenced garden would be paradise for him.

As for his disposition, the Akitador is characterized by a remarkable independence. This is not the typical lap dog that craves constant human affection. Rather, he can often be found in a moment of self-reflection - whether curled up in his crib or gleefully catching the sun's rays. This independent nature can lead to challenges during the parenting phase, but with the right mix of patience and assertiveness, you can gain his respect.

The Akitador's protective aura is unmistakable. Driven by a deep-rooted instinct, he is always ready to defend home and family against perceived dangers. This exemplary vigilance, however, requires careful and early socialization to ensure that he effectively differentiates between actual threats and harmless encounters.

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What diseases can occur in Labrador Retriever and Akita Inu Mix.

Labrakita mixes are prone to a number of health problems, including hip and elbow dysplasia, eye problems such as progressive retinal atrophy, and various cancers. Although most Labrador Retriever-Akita Inu mixes live relatively long and healthy lives, it is important to be aware of these potential health problems so you can watch for signs and seek early treatment if needed.

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The Akitador, a cross between the Akita Inu and Labrador Retriever, boasts an impressive appearance influenced by both parent breeds.

His coat is luxuriously dense, a legacy of the Akita, and provides a waterproof barrier that allows him to be comfortable even in colder climates. The predominant black coloring, interspersed with brown and white markings, is reminiscent of the Labrador, while the tawny to brownish shading, especially on the back and flanks, is clearly from the Akita. This color contrast continues to the belly, which is often a lighter shade. Another prominent feature is his tail, which, influenced by the Labrador, is lush and furry and usually a deep black.

Fur length medium - short
Fur - flat coated
Ear shape Standing Ears - Triangle
Tail rolled up - lang
Anatomy muscular, rugged, massive, strong, rugged, massive
Size ♀ 55 - 66 cm
Weight ♀ 25 - 45 kg
Size ♂ 57 - 71 cm
Weight ♂ 29 - 59 kg
Suitable For -
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Flower, plant, dog, dog breed, nature, carnivore, sky, people in nature, natural landscape, tree,
  • Sebadenitis

    Sebadenitis is a skin disease in dogs that leads to inflammation of the sebaceous glands. This can lead to dandruff, hair loss and itching.

  • Hypothyroidism

    Hypothyroidism is a condition in dogs where the thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormones. This can lead to a slowed metabolic rate, weight gain, fatigue, hair loss and other symptoms.

  • Hip dysplasia (HD)

    Hip dysplasia (HD) is a genetic condition in dogs where the hip joint is not shaped properly. This leads to pain, stiffness and restricted movement.

  • congenital vestibular syndrome

    hereditary disease of the inner ear

  • Spondylosis

    pathological changes in the vertebral bodies and intervertebral discs

  • Arthrosis

    Osteoarthritis is one of the most common diseases in dogs. Dogs have an innate, strong urge to move

  • Elbow dysplasia (ED)

    Elbow joint dysplasia is a chronic disease complex of the elbow joint of fast growing dog breeds.

  • Eye diseases

    Often occur with allergies and intolerances.

  • Overweight

    Often, unfortunately, the dogs very much under excess weight. But the dogs themselves are never to blame!

  • Joint damage

    In some breeds, joint damage can occur later in life, affecting the musculoskeletal system.

  • This hybrid dog breed is most commonly referred to as a Labrakita or Akitador. However, some people also refer to them as Labrador Retriever-Akita-Inu mix.

  • Since the Labrakita is a cross between a Labrador Retriever and an Akita Inu, it is likely that this dog inherits physical characteristics from both parent breeds. Thus, a Labrakita can have both the thick coat and small, triangular eyes of the Akita Inu and the strong build and floppy ears of the Labrador Retriever.

  • The size of a Labrakita depends on the size of its parents. As a rule, the size of a Labrakita ranges from medium to large. He probably has 25 and 35 kg and a body length of 60 to 70 cm.

  • Like his appearance, the temperament of a Labrakita is a mixture of the temperaments of his parent breeds. Thus, a Labrakita can be loyal and protective like an Akita Inu, but also friendly and outgoing like a Labrador Retriever.

  • Yes, a Labrakita can be a great family dog. However, it is important to remember that this mixed breed can inherit the Akita Inu's protective instinct. Therefore, it is important to socialize and train a Labrakita from a young age so that he knows how to behave towards other people and animals.

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