Sealyham Terrier

Sealyham Terrier Breed description: Character & Co

Sealyham Terrier


The small, compact terrier finds its use as a hunting dog and as a companion dog. If given the choice, the little gentleman prefers the exciting life in the great outdoors.

What is the origin of Sealyham Terriers?

Originating from Great Britain, the Sealyham Terrier was created from crosses of the Basset, Bull Terrier, Fox Terrier, West Highland White Terrier and Dandie Dinmont Terrier. Captain John Tucker Edwards began breeding the dogs in the mid-19th century. He paid special attention to the predatory sharpness and the white coat. In 1908 the first club was founded. From 1910 the breed was admitted to shows. In 1954 the breed was recognized by the FCI. The dogs are listed under the standard number 74, group 3, section 2.

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Dog,Mammal,Vertebrate,Dog breed,Canidae,Carnivore,Terrier,Sealyham terrier,Miniature schnauzer,Companion dog, Sealyham Terrier white sitting on a wall, small beginner dog white with wavy coat, triangle ears, dog with many hairs on the muzzle, family dog, dog breed from Wales, dog breed from England, British dog breed Sealyham Terrier lying on a white background with head on the ground, small beginner dog white with wavy fur, triangle ears, dog with many hairs on the muzzle, family dog, dog breed from Wales, dog breed from England, British dog breed Sealyham Terrier running over a green meadow, ears flying through the wind, dog is in the air by a jump, city dog, small beginner dog white with wavy coat, triangle ears, dog with many hairs on the muzzle, family dog, dog breed from Wales, dog breed from England, British dog breed
Alternate Name -
Origin UK
Life expectancy 12 - 14 years
Care requirements high-maintenance
Activity level low
FCI group Small sized Terriers
AKC group Terrier Group
KC group Terrier Group

Sealyham Terrier mixes


What are typical character traits of Sealyham Terriers?

The courageous hunting dog is intelligent and alert. The Sealyham Terrier has great self-confidence and likes to curiously explore his surroundings. Because of its stubborn nature, it is especially important that you train it lovingly and consistently. The dog likes to do everything right and is eager to please its owner. Therefore it likes to learn and fits in perfectly with its family. It is suspicious of strangers at first. However, it quickly gets used to new people. It plays the clown and entertains everyone with its jokes. With children the Sealyham Terrier is patient and friendly. Other dogs are always welcome, provided they do not show aggressive behaviour. In this case it shows immediately who is the master in the house. It is also very compatible with cats and other animals. In the apartment the dog behaves calmly. Outside, its lively temperament comes to the fore. With sufficient movement and occupation possibilities the charming terrier can be held absolutely also in a city dwelling.

Sealyham Terrier breed description, puppy, city dog, small beginner dog white with wavy coat, triangle ears, dog with lots of hair on muzzle, family dog, dog breed from Wales, dog breed from England, British dog breed

What are typical diseases of Sealyham Terriers?

  • CAG canine multifocal retinopathy: there are grey lesions on the retina. The vision is hardly affected.
  • primary lens luxation: the fibres holding the lens in the eye are not stable. Between the ages of three and eight, the lens slips out of position. Painful glaucoma develops.
  • Hyperuricosuria: more uric acid is excreted in the urine. Urinary stones form.
  • malignant hyperthermia: under stress the body temperature rises strongly.

Sealyham Terrier breeding - where, how, what?

Sealyham Terriers are rarely bred anymore, the dog breed is threatened with extinction.

Information about breeders:

Sealyham Terrier breed description, city dog, small beginner dog white with wavy coat, triangle ears, dog with lots of hair on muzzle, family dog, dog breed from Wales, dog breed from England, British dog breed

The short-legged dog has a rectangular, straight body. The strong head is slightly rounded. The medium-sized ears are tilted forward. The short, straight legs are free moving and muscular. The high set tail is carried straight or upward.

Appearance and Coat of the Sealyham Terrier

A layer of harsh top coat lies over the soft, short undercoat. The close-fitting, smooth coat protects the small dog well from the cold.

Coat colors:

  • pure white
  • pure white with lemon

Blue, brown or badger markings on the ears and head are permitted. To keep the double coat beautiful, the terrier must be trimmed regularly. If the coat is clipped more often, the hard outer hairs are lost. The undercoat starts to grow more and becomes matted. In most cases, this also causes the brilliant white of the coat to fade.

How tall is the Sealyham Terrier?

  • Male: 29 to 31 cm
  • bitch: 28 to 30 cm

How much does a Sealyham Terrier weigh?

  • Male: 9 kg
  • bitch: 8,2 kg

How old does a Sealyham Terrier live?

The life expectancy is 12 to 14 years.

Fur length medium
Fur rough-haired
Ear shape Triangle
Tail short
Anatomy rugged
Size ♀ 28 - 30 cm
Weight ♀ 8 - 9 kg
Size ♂ 29 - 31 cm
Weight ♂ 8 - 9 kg
Suitable For Beginner, Children


Sealyham Terrier lying on a white background with head on the ground, small beginner dog white with wavy fur, triangle ears, dog with many hairs on the muzzle, family dog, dog breed from Wales, dog breed from England, British dog breed
Sealyham Terrier running over a green meadow, ears flying through the wind, dog is in the air by a jump, city dog, small beginner dog white with wavy coat, triangle ears, dog with many hairs on the muzzle, family dog, dog breed from Wales, dog breed from England, British dog breed
Sealyham Terrier breed description, puppy, city dog, small beginner dog white with wavy coat, triangle ears, dog with lots of hair on muzzle, family dog, dog breed from Wales, dog breed from England, British dog breed
  • Eye diseases

    Often occur with allergies and intolerances.

  • Ureteral ectopy

    Ureteral ectopy (also known as ureteral ectopia) is an inherited condition where the ureter (known as the ureter) does not end in the bladder as usual due to a misalignment.

Other medium dogs

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